Chen Jining, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with the delegation led by the US Democratic Senator Shu Mo, who emphasized that Sino -US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world today.Conducive for the world.

According to the China News Agency, Shu Mo arrived in Shanghai on Saturday (October 7) in the afternoon and began to visit China.When Chen Jining met with them, he made the above representation.

Chen Jining also introduced the economic and social development of Shanghai in the conversation.He said that as the cutting -edge window of China's economic center cities and reform and opening up, opening, innovation, and tolerance are the most distinctive character in the city in Shanghai. "The starting point and end point of all our work is to let the people live a good life."

Chen Jining said that he is willing to actively play a place in promoting the development of the relations between China and the United States, continue to expand economic and trade exchanges, expand friendly cities cooperation, and continuously deepen cultural exchanges.He said that American companies are welcome to seize Chinese -style modern opportunities and through Shanghai's vast Chinese market.

According to Reuters, Shu Mo said to Chen Jining that the United States has no intention of decuming with China, but hopes that American companies will be treated fairly in China.

Shu Mo also mentioned that the United States is not in order to provoke conflicts, but hopes to win a fair competition environment in the context of Chinese and American economic competition.He emphasized the necessity of reciprocity and believes that American companies in China should compete freely like Chinese companies in the United States.

This delegation is the latest group of Biden government officials who visited China this year. This trip will seek to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.They then planned to visit South Korea and Japan, and met with local governments, business leaders and US corporate executives.