(Washington Comprehensive News) The American media quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit Washington later in October to pave the way for the meeting of the Sino -US heads of state at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) summit in NovemberEssence

On Tuesday (October 3), a foreign policy magazine headquartered in Washington, saying that according to three informed US and East Asian diplomatic officials, Wang Yi is expected to visit Washington later to deal withThe cold Sino -US relations have paved the way for the highly anticipated but not arranged meeting between Chinese officials and US President Biden.

The article says that officials in Washington are expected to go to San Francisco to attend the APEC summit in November and meet with Biden at the meeting.

The article also pointed out that if Wang Yi's visit was confirmed, it would be the latest efforts to stabilize the relationship between the two countries and formulate the Chinese official and the Bayeon Conference agenda.

In the past few months, the U.S. government has sent senior officials such as State Blint, Minister of Finance Yellen, and Minister of Commerce Raymond.

On the other hand, the Chinese Embassy in the United States released news on Thursday (October 5) that the Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng met with the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce on Thursday (September 28).

Xie Feng told the delegation that the industrial and commercial community is an important "interest party" of Sino -US relations. I hope that the industrial and commercial community will continue to work as a bond between China and the United States friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation.The United States relations make every effort to strive for Sino -US relations to stabilize and get better.

The Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce is the third American Chamber of Commerce, which is established outside the United States. At present, there are nearly 4,000 membership companies, of which more than 100 Fortune 500 companies.