Although SMIC has been blacklisted by multiple US departments, the business of this largest semiconductor manufacturer in China is still booming in the United States.

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States, SMIC has been included in the list of Chinese military -related companies in China, the US Department of Commerce is included in the entity list, and the US Department of Finance is included in US investors.The stock list of the transaction.Even so, SMIC earned a record of 1.5 billion US dollars (about $ 2.045 billion) from US semiconductor companies last year, accounting for one -fifth of its total sales.

SMIC also held a opening celebration at the office of Er Bay, California, USA in May this year, and the scene was crowded with executives in the US semiconductor industry.Roawen Chen, a senior vice president of chip design company, also said in his speech that he still hopes that one day he can see SMIC's construction of a wafer factories in the United States.But later, the Spokesman of Qualcomm clarified that this speech was "joke."

It is reported that SMIC is included in the blacklist, which does not mean that American companies are completely banned from doing business with SMIC, but they need to obtain a license issued by the US Department of Commerce in advance.According to data released by the United States Congress in 2021, from November 9, 2020 to April 20, 2021, the US Department of Commerce approved an application for US companies to sell tens of billions of dollars to SMIC.

US semiconductor design vendors and equipment manufacturers have long believed that doing business with Chinese companies such as SMIC will help raise profits and enable them to invest in deep development.These companies also say that they will not sell the most advanced equipment to SMIC, nor will they rely on SMIC to perform the most cutting -edge design, so they will not damage US national security.

China Communication Equipment Giant Huawei suddenly launched the new flagship phone Mate 60 Pro in August this year. It is said that the seven -nano chip developed by SMIC and achieved 5G technology. It is considered to break through.U.S. technical restrictions.

After this mobile phone is out of the street, it has attracted great attention from the United States.The US Minister of Commerce Raymond also described that Huawei's breakthroughs in the chip field are extremely disturbed and said that more tools will be required to implement export control.

At present, the US government has been under increasing pressure from the Republicans of Congress, and requires a larger restriction on enterprises such as SMIC.

James Mulvenon, a US defense contractor and a Chinese technical analyst, wrote in a report on SMIC that if SMIC maintains high profits in the next few years and participate in great participationThe cutting -edge research and development may actually change the chance of winning the United States in the potential military conflict with China. Such predictions are not exaggerated.