According to the Bloomberg News website reported on October 6, former US President Trump has been accused of leaking national confidential information, and now his latest allegations have surfaced.The key details of some of the most sensitive weapons in the library.

Bloomberg reports the report from the website of the US Broadcasting Corporation and the New York Times that Trump revealed the key details of the U.S. Naval Elite Submarine for the U.S. Naval Elite Submarine"And" can be drove to a place close to Russian ships without being found. "Prate told him dozens of friends and acquaintances.

It is reported that this is just the latest in a series of leaks, which seriously questions whether Trump is willing to keep national secrets.Considering that his support in polls is far ahead, this issue will continue to become the top priority.

Said Joe Qilin Joener, who had been in charge of nuclear weapons affairs in the United States Congress, said: "Few people in the U.S. government know the exact configuration data of nuclear submarines."The accusation is true, and Trump leaked the "core information of the US nuclear ability".

Qilin Qiao Nei said: "I never know the exact load of our nuclear submarine, and I don't know the details of our anti -submarine combat capabilities. This Australian billionaire has no need to know."

Trump posted on social media that the allegations were "false and ridiculous."He argued that he just told Prate the United States to create the best military equipment in the world.Trump said the leakage was trying to interfere with the election.

American submarine technical experts said that if Trump did disclose these contents, it may expose key details about the tactical capabilities of U.S. military submarines.It is revealed that the submarine can approach the shortest distance of the opponent, and may weaken the tactical advantage of American attack submarines, because these submarines need to avoid and track their opponents.

Hans Christensen, director of the nuclear information research project of the American Scientist Federation, said: "The silent data of the submarine must be highly confidential.Tu Yan)