Russian President Putin announced on the 5th that the "Haiyan" nuclear -powered strategic cruise missile was successfully tested, and its development work was close to completion.This statement has attracted great attention from the international media, and has guessing the development and progress of "Haiyan", the development of cruise missiles with nuclear power devices and carrying nuclear warheads, and combat performance.Russia said that this nuclear cruise missile can bypass the US anti -missile system, crack down on the United States, and constitutes a major deterrent to NATO.Some analysts believe that the weapon reflects Russia's innovation awareness in strategic weapons.

"Haiyan" nuclear cruise missile

Putin announced that Russia has successfully tested "Haiyan"

According to the Russian New News Agency on the 6th, Russian President Putin delivered a speech at the 20th Annual Meeting of the "Valse" International Debate Club on the 5th saying: "We have completed the modern strategic weapons I announced a few years ago a few years agoR & D work. 'Haiyan' is a global long -range cruise missile with nuclear -powered device. It has been successfully conducted recently. At the same time, we have actually completed the test of the "Sal Mart 'ultra -heavy missile.Put into combat on duty. We only need to simply complete certain procedures in administration, start large -scale production, and put it into battle on duty. We will do this soon. "

Western media have widely reported this statement of Putin.The United States Cable Television News Network stated on the 5th local time that Putin announced in March 2018 that the development plan of the "Haiyan" missile as a wider part of the development of new generation of intercontinental missiles and hypersonic missiles, including the "dagger" missile and the missile and the missile and the missile and the "dagger" missile and the missile and the missile and the "dagger."Pioneer" hypersonic gliding aircraft.

Before Putin's statement, Western media speculated that Russia will conduct test firing "Haiyan" missiles, or has been completed in the near future.The New York Times website on the 2nd said that satellite images and aviation data show that Russia may test a trial nuclear -powered cruise missile with a range of thousands of miles, or it may have been tested recently.It is reported that the activities of Russia's remote areas near the Arctic and its nearby aircraft and vehicles were done in 2017 and 2018 to test the "Haiyan" nuclear power cruise missile (NATO code SSC-X-9 "Sky Pendant")The preparation is consistent.

Russia's previous missile test screen.

It is reported that the satellite images shot on the morning of September 20 show that there are many vehicles around the Russian base transmitting table, including a truck, which seems to be corresponding to the size of the missile, which is usually used to cover the launch tableFragrance has moved about 50 feet.In the afternoon, the trailer was gone.Other satellite images shot on September 28 showed that the preparation of the launch table was busy again, and a trailer -like trailer appeared, and the shared canopy was pulled away again.US media said other information also supported this judgment.Russia's aviation report warns pilots to avoid nearby airspace.In addition, two Russian aircraft specialized in collecting missile launch data parked at an airport 100 miles south of the launch site.Moreover, the US reconnaissance aircraft has been tracked in the area in the past two weeks.

However, before Putin revealed the latest test shooting, his spokesman refuted the New York Times about Russia's will test the "Haiyan" missile.

The article on the 5th of the US "Power" website "Theater" section said on the 5th that Putin did not disclose when the latest test shooting was performed.However, there are many signs that it may be the Pankovo test field on the New Di Island of the Arctic Ocean.Pankovo is one of the at least two locations in Russia's past missile testing.From 2017 to 2018, Russia conducted at least 4 missile tests there.Related tests were also previously carried out in the Alhangersk area in Russia.

Can fight any US target

The reason why Western media pays attention to this nuclear cruise missile is an important reason for its unique working principle.Russian media said that this missile could not be intercepted.

According to Reuters on the 6th, "Haiyan" is a cruise missile with ground launch and low -altitude flight. It can not only carry nuclear warheads, but also nuclear power.Putin first revealed the progress of the project in March 2018.The traditional turbine jet engine or turbine fan engine is limited by the amount of fuel, and the nuclear power device makes the range of missiles much.The Institute of International Strategy in 2021 quoted Russian professional military journals that the theoretical range of "Haiyan" can reach 20,000 kilometers, so it can be deployed anywhere in Russia to combat US targets.The magazine said that the theoretical flight height of the missile was only 50-100 meters, which was far lower than conventional power cruise missiles, which would make it more difficult for air defense radar to detect.A report by the US Air Force National Air Intelligence Center in 2020 states that if Russia has successfully put "Haiyan" into use, it will provide Moscow with a "unique weapon with intercontinental range".

The assembly plant of the "Haiyan" nuclear cruise missile

The "Nuclear Threat Initiative" of non -profit security organizations said that if necessary, the nuclear power device of "Haiyan" can stay at a high altitude for several days."Haiyan" will carry a nuclear warhead (or multiple warheads) around the earth at a low altitude, avoid the missile defense system and avoid terrain obstacles, and then throw the warhead to the unpredictable position (or multiple positions).

According to the Russian NTV TV report on the 6th, the length of "Haiyan" was about 9 meters. The missiles were launched with solid fuel engines, and the micro -nuclear reactor began to work.Another version is: it uses a nuclear reactor to heat the air, and then enter the working state of the stamping jet engine.Air is also used for cooling small reactors.This is why "Haiyan" is called "flying Chelinili" in US newspapers.On the 6th, Russia said that all existing and future anti -missiles and air defense systems could not intercept this invisible cruise missile with low -altitude flight.

However, the development of the nuclear promotion device of this missile has always faced huge technical challenges, and it has been suspected to have failed many trials before.According to the New York Times website, a report from the "Nuclear Threat Initiative" organization believes that Russia conducted 13 known experiments from 2017 to 2019, but none of them were unsuccessful.

The development of

"Haiyan" and other new Russian strategic systems may make Russia and the United States about restricting the number of negotiations on the renewal of strategic weapon treaties that restrict the number of nuclear weapons.The New York Times said that if it is put into use, "Haiyan" will be regarded as part of the Russian nuclear arsenal.As the new cutting strategic weapon treaty signed by Russia and the United States will expire in February 2026, the treaty restricts the total number of warheads and carrier tools that the two parties can deploy."Military Competition".

Two nuclear strikes

For the "Haiyan" nuclear cruise missile, Russia and Western experts both believe that it is a second nuclear strike force.The report of the "Nuclear Threat Initiative" organization states that the missile is a "two -time strike strategic remote weapon" that is launched after the Western premiere campaign to destroy the Russian target.The missile can carry a conventional warhead, but it may actually carry a nuclear warhead, although it is smaller than most Russian nuclear weapons.Experts said that if they are used in war, this missile may destroy large cities and military goals.According to the Russian website reported on the 5th, Russian military expert AlexenAngkov said that the infinite range of nuclear -powered cruise missiles "Haiyan" is a revenge weapon that scares opponents.The task of "Haiyan" is to destroy enemy civilian and military infrastructure.This cruise missile can bypass all air defense and missile defense zones.He said that "Haiyan" can be used with the "Poseidon" nuclear torpedo. The former can aim at land targets, and the latter can aim at the target along the coast.It is expected that "Haiyan" can carry a nuclear warhead of about 100,000 tons of equivalent.

According to today's Russian television report on the 6th, Russian military expert Alekse Su Kongjin said that the "Haiyan" nuclear -powered missiles do not require carrier or submarine carrier such as aircraft or submarines due to unlimited range.Either install it on a mobile device to enhance the crackdown of missiles.This missile will supplement Russia's trinity nuclear forces.Russian military observers Victor Litkin said that "Salmat" and "Haiyan" will soon invest on duty.

Chinese military expert Zhang Xuefeng believes that the current performance of "Haiyan" has many sayings, and it does not rule out exaggerated ingredients.For example, some media said that "Haiyan" may be a hypersonic speed, with a flight speed of 19.6 Mach.There are also media that "Haiyan" can fly in the atmosphere for several months in the standby mode. The missile will circulate in the battle area. Once the target information is obtained, "Haiyan" will fly to the target.From the current technical situation, it is difficult to achieve such high speed and battery life.But there is no doubt that "Haiyan" is a major innovation of Russia in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. It is similar to the "Poseidon" nuclear torpedo. It reflects the innovation awareness of Russian weapons development, which continues the concept of weapon development in the Soviet era.

Zhang Xuefeng said that the main advantage of "Haiyan" is through ultra -low -altitude flight, bypassing the US's anti -missile system on high -altitude ballistic missiles to launch unexpected nuclear attacks in weak air defense deployment.It is more suitable for nuclear blows to countries like the United States, because the protection of ultra -low altitude targets in the United States is not so perfect, and there are many loopholes.However, for areas with a large density of air defense system deployment, this missile's penetration capabilities are not stronger than existing cruise missiles.Therefore, this weapon is rich in the strategic deterrent methods of the Russian army, and it will still be used with other deterrent methods in the future.