The US Department of Commerce announced that 42 Chinese companies that support the Russian military are listed in the US government's export control list.These Chinese companies are accused of supporting Russia's military and defense industrial bases, including providing integrated circuits native to the United States.

According to Reuters, the US Department of Commerce made the above announcement on Friday (October 6).The US Department of Commerce said in a statement that these integrated circuits include microelectronics technology used by the precision guidance system of Russian missiles and drones, and Russia uses these missiles and drones for civilian goals in the Ukraine battlefield.

The Assistant Minister of Commerce, Aksthewaxelrod, who is responsible for export enforcement, said in the statement: "The control list adds a new entity today to convey a clear information, that is, if you provide to the Russian military, you provide the Russian militaryWe will definitely know and take action from the United States technology. "

The US government's move is just as the Russian and Ukraine War continues.The village launched a missile, causing at least 52 people to die. This was the most fatal attack in the Russia and Ukraine War in 20 months.

Washington has included companies that threaten US national security or foreign policies on the export control list. Suppliers must obtain permission from the US Department of Commerce in order to transport the company on the list.

In addition to the above 42 Chinese companies, the US Department of Commerce also includes seven companies from Finland, Germany, India, Turkey, UAE, and the United Kingdom.