According to the Japanese Asahi Shimbun report on October 6, the time of the Japanese and American Defense Ministers agreed to advance the Japanese procurement of the US "Tomahawk" cruise missiles to 2025. "Tomahawk" will also become Japan's possession of controversyThe means of attack capability (that is, counterattack).Focusing on China's increasingly active military operations in the Indo -Pacific region, the Japanese government must introduce the "Tomahawk" as soon as possible.However, there are still many problems that need to be solved in the aspects of Japanese -American intelligence sharing and coordination of command system related to locking targets, and the "Tomahawk" deployment will take time.

It is reported that the reason why Japan is eager to obtain a Tomahawk is largely due to the military pressure that mainland China has applied to Taiwan and the South China Sea.In the 5th talk of the Minister of Defense, Japan's defense Aokihara said that "it is necessary to strengthen the deterrence and disposal ability of the alliance."The US Secretary of Defense Austin also emphasized: "We are facing the same major topic, including China's pressure operation."

In Japan, Japan's three -year security three documents were added to the security three documents in December.Content of the enemy base attack ability.Japan has always played the role of "shield" in the Japanese and American alliances, but in the future, it will also take part of the work of "spear".It is reported that although this means a major shift in the post -war security policy, it is difficult to say that it has obtained the consensus of Japanese citizens.

The Tomahawk cruise missile is a "transitional" weapon before the actual combat of the domestic remote missile in Japan.In order to deploy long -range missiles in 2026, Japan is improving and upgrading domestic 12 -type shore ship missiles, while developing new equipment such as high -speed glide bombs used in island defense.However, when the Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong participated in the Congress's defense in February this year, the Tomahawk missile was said: "In order to make up for the lack of domestic missiles, we must purchase the Tomahawk."

reported that for JapanIt is said that "Tomahawk" is also a political tool to highlight the international community with close cooperation with the United States.Previously, the United States had only exported "Tomahawk" to Britain and Australia.

Japan decided in the talks of the Minister of Defense in Japan that the time to purchase the "Tomahawk" from the original plan to 2026 to 2025, and the original plan was originally planned to purchase up to 400 latest "war battleAx "Block 弹 missile, but currently changed the 200 of them to the old Block IV missile.

But the report believes that even if the purchasing time is advanced, it is still full of uncertainty whether the equipment can be equipped as early as expected.At present, Japan still needs to rely on information from the US satellite receiving to lock the strike goal of long -range missiles, which is inseparable from the assistance of the United States.In January of this year, the two countries confirmed cooperation in strengthening "intelligence collection, alert monitoring, reconnaissance, and locking goals", but the specific implementation has just begun.Regarding intelligence sharing, the United States is not assured of Japan's network defense capabilities, and has repeatedly asked the Japanese to make improvements.It is unclear to what extent can the intelligence sharing between Japan and the United States reach.

In addition, the coordination work between the Japanese and American command command system is also indispensable.Japan will set up the "Integration Command" specialized in the Land -Haikong Self -Defense Force in 2024.This time, the Ministry of Defense Minister also confirmed the cooperation method, but according to Muhara, it is still in the stage of "Japan and the United States will have a conversation on their own ideas."

It is reported that the existing equipment of the Japanese side also faces many problems.The "Zeus Aunt" ship for the "Tomahawk" must be transformed. The 2024 budget budget requirements have been included in the cost of adding launch equipment on the ship, but related operations must be started one year earlier.The number of "Aegis" ships that Japan originally owned is limited, and it is difficult to launch a large number of missiles at the same time as the United States. Therefore, it is unknown how much military effect the "Tomahawk" can bring.

Jeffrey Hallon, a senior researcher at Rand Corporation, said: "Even if Japan gets 'Tomahawk' in 2025, it does not mean that it can be put into use immediately. Japan locks the target and the target andThe reconnaissance still needs to be highly dependent on the United States, and necessary training is required. "112r41x9-0.jpg "/> US" Tomahawk "cruise missile (Associated Press Information)