US Secretary of Defense Austin said Washington will protect the allies from China's "Bullying Behavior" in the Pacific.

Reuters reported that Austin made the above statement with Australia's Minister of Defense Richard Marles at British on Friday (July 28).

Austin said: "From the East China Sea to the South China Sea, to the Southwest Pacific, we see the disturbing (China) coercion. We will continue to support our allies and partners to protect ourselves from being exempted from the hegemony.The violation of Ling behavior. "

Austin also added that the United States and Australia are worried about the behavior of China tried to deviate from international law.

The US Secretary of State Brillings with Austin this time.The two arrived on Friday to talk with Australia's Minister of Defense Mars and Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reports on Friday, it is expected that the focus of this talks between the two countries is the climate change, the geopolitical politics of the region, the "AUKUS), and the" Australia, Britain, and the United States.Expansion of defense relationship between the United States and Australia.

It is reported that this is the first time that Australia has held an annual discussion among the two countries since 2019.

The United States and Australia agreed last year that the United States will continue to strengthen its military existence in Australia and regularly deploy navy and army. The two countries continued to expand joint air force training last year.