Li Changyu, an expert in Chinese criminal investigation evidence, known as the "Chinese Detective", was responsible for falsifying evidence for a murder in the 1980s by the US court.According to US media reports, the case caused two young people under the age of 20 to enter prison for more than 30 years. Li Changyu may pay tens of millions of dollars ($ 1 equal to S $ 1.3) for this.

Comprehensive American media reports such as the Hartford Courant and New York Daily News, and the Federal Judge of Connecticut Federal Judge ruled on Friday (July 21) that Li Changyu was a state of the state.The pile was forgery of evidence during the trial of the killing of 1985.

According to media reports, the criminal case involved occurred on December 1, 1985, and the 65 -year -old resident of New Milford, Kangzhou27 knife, the throat was cut, and there were seven beaten wounds on the head.Two drugs Ralph Birch and Shawn Henning were listed as suspects by police, but both clothes and cars were found.incompatible.

The important basis for conviction at that time was the forensic evidence provided by Li Changyu from the prosecutor, that is, a white towel in the Karl family.In the testimony of Li Changyu, the towel found in the bathroom that it was not far from the scene of the murder. The murderer may touch the towel when the scene was cleaned up after the crime, and the stains found on the towel are consistent with blood.

In 1989, the jury determined that the 17 -year -old Heng Ning and 18 -year -old Berch served 50 years and 55 years, respectively.About 30 years after the two were sentenced, Heng Ning was suspended in 2018, and Berch was released in 2019 because a judge ordered a re -judgment of the case.The two subsequently reported that the Town of New Milford, the Connecticut Police, the New Milford Police Department, Li Changyu, etc., accused the above units and people forged evidence, malicious prosecution, and suppressed the evidence that they could get rid of sin.

Bridgeport Federal Judge Victor A. Bolden said on Friday that no written record can prove whether Li Changyu is regarded as a towel that is regarded as key evidence in the laboratory in the laboratoryTested or analyzed.When Heng Ning and Boqi appealed, the stains on the towel were tested, which also showed that it was not blood. In addition, Kangzhou officials did not propose any evidence of the analysis of Hengning and Boqi and the murder case.Therefore, the Kangzhou Supreme Court ruled in 2019 that the two had the right to re -trial. Boqi was released because the state party failed to warn the court in the case, and Li Changyu's testimony was incorrect. "

In the 84 -page ruling, Bo Deng allowed the motion for the simple judgment to make a simple judgment on Li Changyu, that is, the only thing that the jury would decide at that time was the amount of damage compensation.The judge also ruled that because the Kangzhou Procuratorate's office, which defended Li Changyu and the state police, did not exercise the exemption of self -protection and exemption from damage to them. During the future trial, Li Changyu will no longer meet the exercise conditions and cannot claim.Free.

After the charges of the two of Boqi and Heng Ning were canceled in 2020, Li Changyu had argued for himself that in the 57 -year career survey of more than 8,000 cases, no one had accused him of any improper behavior.Or deliberately testimony, "This is the first case I must defend myself."

Li Changyu has not responded to the US media's comment request.

Li Changyu, 84, is an honorary professor at University of New Haven.At the time of this murder, Li Changyu had not yet made a name; he became famous for his defense witness witness in 1995 because of the O.J. Simpson killing wife.