Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang, plans to visit the United States early September, and plans to arrange at least one public speech.

According to the Taiwan China Times on Thursday (July 20), people familiar with the matter revealed the above news and said that the Kuomintang legislator Jiang Qichen had been stepped on the United States in advance for Hou Youyi.long.It is reported that Hou Youyi's visit to the United States mainly cooperates with the U.S. House of Representatives to give a discussion time, and plans to give at least one public speech, and may meet with the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi.

People familiar with the matter pointed out that Hou Youyi will visit the United States to visit the Capitol Villa, the Brookings Instification, and the think tank units such as the US Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS), and will also be in Taiwan in Taiwan.Rosenberg, chairman of the Association (AIT).At present, the Kuomintang, Hou Youyi Office and Jiang Qichen are also actively inviting American members who can meet. In addition to Perosi, they are also striving to invite the current Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy to meet.

It is reported that the DPP presidential candidate and Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde will visit Paraguay as a special envoy of the Presidential Palace. The reception specifications may become a "model".Essence

Foreigners pointed out that the United States will not easily bet on any party, and the United States now has "doubts" about Lai Qingde or Hou Youyi.First of all, Lai Qingde's initiative in the past "Taiwan independence workers", American think tank scholars generally believe that no matter how he packaged, it is impossible to change overnight; Hou Youyi proposed that the military service was shortened for four months, so that the United States had opinions on him.This will be that Hou Youyi must explain to the United States this time to resolve doubts.

Outsiders analyzed that Lai Qingde and Hou Youyi compared the attention of the visits to the United States this time to observe the focus of the presidential election campaign. Lai Qingde is likely to transit in the Tsai Ing -wen model, only to New York, and the United States is almost the same as the specifications to make the specifications almost the same., Hou Youyi also stayed in New York; but if Hou Youyi stepped into Washington, it means that the United States is interested in him, and he will definitely add points to Hou Youyi.

What should I do if Hou Youyi can't get into Washington?Nearly Hou pointed out that the visits to the United States are still under planning and have not yet been finalized.However, Hou Office already has the preparations for the two sets of A and B plans. Plan A is successfully entered Washinga and delivered a speech there; if you can't enter, Plan B will give a speech at the Asia Society in New York.

Hou Youyi emphasized in the interview on Wednesday (19th) that the friendship between Taiwan and the United States has a long -lasting friendship. He also thanks to Jiang Qichen for his efforts for this time. He will establish long -term firm friendship with the United States.Go continuously.As for the relevant plan to visit the United States, he will make a complete report for everyone.