For Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde will cross the United States in August, Mainland China Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said on Wednesday (July 19) that the priority is to block Lai Qingde's visit to the United States.Scholars interviewees analyzed that when Washington tried to restore relations with Beijing, the US side's arrangements for Lai Qingde's transit will be as low as possible.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan (July 17) confirmed that Lai Qingde will assign a special envoy to Taiwan Cai Yingwen in August, led a delegation to attend the new presidential inauguration ceremony of Paraguay and will also transit the United States in the United States.

In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stated one after another, emphasizing that it resolutely oppose the United States to condon the split and its split actions in any form.When Xie Feng was invited to attend the Safety Forum of the Institute of Think Tank's Institute of Think Tank on Wednesday, he also responded to the matter.

According to the press release of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, when talking about Taiwan, Xie Feng particularly emphasized that "the most fundamental thing now is to adhere to the Chinese principle.The words and deeds unanimously opposed the "Taiwan independence" adventure provocations. The top priority is to resolutely block the gray rhino that Lai Qingde is rushing towards us. "

He also reiterated that the Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino -US relations.The United States should implement President Biden's promise such as Taiwan independence.

Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, also said when meeting with US Secretary of State Brosakus last week that China and the United States should start with specific things."Moving the blockbuster" can accumulate conditions and exclude interference for the stable accumulation of Sino -US relations.Xie Feng's statement echoed this.

Ding Shufan, a honorary professor at the East Asian Institute of Political University of Taiwan, analyzed during the interview with Lianhe Zaobao. Although Xie Feng's words were tough, it was mainly expressed his position.It should be low -key to reduce media exposure.

Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde (middle) will transit the United States in August.He will also participate in the 2024 presidential election on behalf of the DPP.(Reuters)

As China and the United States gradually recover their contact, Lai Qingde, who will represent the DPP next year, will represent the Presidential President. On July 10th, "walking into the White House" will be the political goal pursued by Taiwan.

The British Financial Times reported that the United States had requested Lai Qingde to clarify the above speeches, but senior US officials denied that the White House questioned the Lai Qingde team, and Taiwanese officials also said that this issue had been resolved.

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science, Chengcheng University, analyzed in an analysis that although U.S. officials denied concern about the matter, I believe that they will still make a certain degree of clarification through various channels.

He believes that the Bayeng government is indeed trying to revise US -China relations, and there will be a US presidential election next. The priority is to ensure that unnecessary variables should not occur between the United States and China.Therefore, for Lai Qingde, if you want to obtain the trust of the United States, you must be as cautious as possible in public conversations.

At the Safety Forum of the Asben Research Institute on July 19, Xie Feng also mentioned that recently the United States has made some reflection on policy on China, and China and the United States have carried out a series of high -level exchanges.Constructive communication, especially the consent of the two parties to implement the consensus of the two heads of state, to provide opportunities for the stability of the relationship between the two countries, but the foundation is still fragile and the road is still bumpy.

He emphasized that China opposes the United States to fight against trade and scientific and technological warfare in the United States, and introduce the "chip ban" to prohibit export of chips below 14 nanometers to China, which is unfair competition.

Xie Feng also mentioned that the United States has listed more than 1,300 Chinese companies in various sanctions so far, which has led countless Chinese people to unemployment and affect the livelihood of countless families.The Chinese people will not be indifferent, and the Chinese government will not wait.

Ding Shufan analyzes, "For the White House, it is now established to establish a guardrail." The United States is still tough in China in the field of science and technology, and the general direction of the two strong competition has not changed.