Chinese official Thursday (July 20) met with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Diaoyutai State Hotel in Beijing.Play a constructive role.

Relevant sources analyzed that China ’s official high -profile meeting did not represent Kissinger, which did not represent the U.S. government, but did not meet with John Kerry, a special envoy John Kerry, who had just concluded its visit to China.However, they are vigilant about the US government, and do not expect that the increase in high -level exchanges between China and the United States in the near future can keep the relationship between the two countries warm up.

The video released by the Chinese official media CCTV show shows that Chinese officials said to Kissinger in the meeting that there is an old saying in China called "Dade Bi Shou". Kissinger has just spent her 100th birthday.Many times, these two "one hundred" are added together, making this visit to China special significance.

Chinese official said: "The Chinese will not forget old friends. Sino -US relations will always be connected with the name Kissinger. I respect you highly."

According to Xinhua News Agency, China officially emphasized that the current world is undergoing a major change in a century, and major changes have taken place in the international structure.The crossroads of China and the United States once again needed to make a choice.Looking forward to the future, China and the United States can fully achieve each other and prosper. The key is to follow three principles: mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.On this basis, China is willing to discuss the correct way to get along with the United States and promote the steady forward of Sino -US relations. This is good for both parties and will also benefit the world.

Xinhua News Agency also quoted Kissinger that US -China relations are essential for peace and prosperity between the United States and China and the world.Under the current situation, we should comply with the principles determined by the "Shanghai Bulletin", to understand the extreme importance of a China principle to China, and promote the development of US -China relations towards a positive direction.

In July 1971, Kissinger, then a assistant to the US President's National Security Affairs, visited China secretly and met with Chinese Prime Minister Zhou En for the first time in Diaoyutai State Guest House.Kissinger's secret visit contributed to the visit of US President Richard Nixon, breaking the firm ice of Sino -US relations.Since 1971, Kissinger has visited China for more than 100 times, and has been regarded as "the old friend of the Chinese people" by leaders of China.

It is worth noting that Kissinger visited China this time not only met with Chinese officials and members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, but also met with Minister of Defense Li Shangfu.In the Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore in June this year, Li Shangfu refused to meet with US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin.

According to the news released by the official website of the Ministry of National Defense, Li Shangfu said on Tuesday (July 18) when meeting Kissinger that some people in the United States did not do with China, which caused Sino -US relations to hover in the trough since the establishment of diplomatic relations.The reality of mutual interdependence between the two countries is ignored, the history of win -win cooperation is interpreted, and the atmosphere of friendly communication is destroyed.Kissinger said to Li Shangfu that any of the United States and China could not afford the price of the opponent as an opponent.If a war between the two countries will not bring any meaningful results to the people of the two countries.

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told the media on Tuesday that Kissinger's visit to China does not represent the US government, and the State Council does not know any conversation plan Kissinger.

After 2018, Sino -US relations have continued to fall, and games between the two countries in the fields of security, technology, and ideology have continued to intensify.Although US Secretary of State Brosky, Minister of Finance Yellen, and Ceri and other US officials have recently visited China in the near future, the outside world still generally feels pessimistic about the prospects of Sino -US relations.