The U.S. Presidential Climate Special Envoy Kerry Wednesday (July 19) told reporters that Washington and Beijing still need more time to achieve "new mission in response to global warming.breakthrough".(Bloomberg)

(Beijing Comprehensive News) In the U.S. Presidential Climate Special Envoy, Kerry summarized the visit to China that Washington and Beijing still need to get more time to achieve "new breakthroughs" in dealing with the common mission of global warming.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters reported that Kerry said in an interview before the end of the visit to China on Wednesday (July 19): "Our talks have made great progress, but the administrative time and ability are insufficient.Reaching the goal. However, the negotiation is still in progress. "After the end of the US -China talks, no joint statement was issued after this round of talks.

Kerry said that the United States and China promised to "focus on work in the next few weeks". The talks will be "accelerated" before the United Nations Climate Summit (COP28) in November this year.

He revealed that the preliminary dialogue will focus on integrating renewable energy power generation to reduce the use of coal -fired power generation.The two countries are also committed to extending their attention to carbon dioxide, to find methods to solve methane and other greenhouse gas emissions, thinking that the Paris Agreement has laid the foundation for the 2035 climate commitment.

Kerry said that the United States and China agrees with climate change is an emergency. It is necessary to ensure that the global warming is limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius.This statement is different from the discussion a few months ago by Chinese officials. Chinese officials seemed to question the latest scientific research report on global warming at the time.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China announced on Thursday (July 20) that after being agreed by the Chinese and American parties, the US Presidential Climate Special Envoy Cry visited China from July 16th to 19th.China ’s climate change affairs special envoy Jie Zhenhua held talks with Kerry. During the talks, the two sides were willing to continue to work together to promote the multilateral process of climate change, and adhere to the goals and principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.

Kerry is the third American official who visited China within five weeks after the US Secretary of State Brillin and Treasury Secretary Yellen.After the year, the dialogue was restarted for the first time.During his period in Beijing, he also met with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Han Zheng, vice chairman of China.

Kerry told reporters on Wednesday evening: "We -our team and the US government -came to Beijing to resolve the deadlock since August last year."

He said that although China said that climate policy will not be determined by other countries, China plans to negotiate with the United States before COP28.He said that the United States is promoting a new framework agreement that will allow China to "accept things they have never been accepted before."Kerry did not explain it in detail.

Chinese official Tuesday (July 18) in a speech at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference of China, emphasized that the "double carbon" goal promised by China is to determine.The strength should and we must be the master of our own, and we will never be regarded as others. "

Kerry recognizes China's official remarks, saying that the United States will not try to impose policies in China in terms of solving climate problems.He emphasized to reporters on Wednesday: "We only follow the best science. What we do is not political or ideological."