U.S. Secretary of State Brosky said that the mutiny launched by the Russian mercenaries caused unprecedented challenges to the President Putin regime. The turbulence caused by it may not end, or it takes several weeks or months to end.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Brinken Sunday (June 25) said in an interview with many US media that the mutiny incident would constitute a "direct challenge" to Putin's authority, and also showed the profound problems of Putin regime, highlightingTrue cracks.He said: "We can't speculate or accurately know where it will go. We do know that Putin has many things to do in the next few weeks and months."

Brintken pointed out that Russia's mutiny incident is still a "starting story, and we have not seen the last scene yet."

Brinken said: "The focus of (USA) is to unswervingly pay attention to Ukraine, ensure that Ukraine has what they need, to defend the land and take it back to the territory captured by Russia."

On the other hand, after the military change incident, American officials and Russian officials have already contacted American personnel and citizens stationed in Russia to understand their safety.

"At the request of the president, I instructed the team to contact the Russians first to ensure that they understand their responsibilities in protecting (American) personnel, ensure their safety and well -being, and any American citizen in Russia."