(New York News) People familiar with the matter revealed that US officials have tracked Huawei and ZTE employees suspected of Chinese spy facilities in Cuba.

Wall Street Journal on Thursday (June 22) quoted people familiar with the matter reported that the intelligence seen during the Trump administration prompted the United States to suspect that the two Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturers may expand China's ability to monitor the United States from Cuba in Cuba at the time.As the side played.It is unknown whether the Biden government has promoted the investigation in this area.

People familiar with the matter said that although according to existing information, neither Huawei nor ZTE communications can be manufactured by the government that can be used by the government for eavesdropping, but these two companies are good at carried out the technologies required for this action, such as being available for facing towards direction.Server and network devices transmitted data in China.

Huawei issued a statement that denied the allegations of "unprecedented"; ZTE reported that the Wall Street Journal's report was not basically basically based in the statement.

The Wall Street Journal reported on June 8th that China established a spy base in Cuba to listen to the United States secretly; both in the Middle and ancient countries pointed out that the report was not foundation and purely rumor.US officials responded from contradictory. At first, the report was inaccurate. After that, the Bayeng government anonymous officials acknowledged that these facilities had existed since 2019.

Subsequently, the Wall Street Journal quoted the current American and former officials that China and Cuba were negotiating to establish a new joint military training facility in Cuba.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky, who has just ended in China, said that he has told Chinese officials that the United States "deeply concerned" about China's spy activities and military activities in Cuba.