U.S. aircraft carrier Ligen, Sunday (June 25), arrived at Dangang, a city in central Vietnam and stayed until June 30.The Reagan is the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive partnership in the United States and Vietnam, as well as the suspension of Vietnam when protesting Chinese ships in Vietnam's exclusive economic zone a few weeks ago.

In May of this year, a Chinese scientific -authored ship operated in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam for a month, causing Vietnam to protest and asked China to withdraw the science and sea police and fishing vessels, but it was rejected by China.

Ruan Shifang, a doctorate student at the University of Canberra, the University of New South Wales, said: "The signal sent by this visit is that Vietnam is to balance its relationship with China by improving the security relationship with the US and other foreign countries."

Before the Riden, the Indian naval ship visited Langang in May, and Japan's largest warships stopped at the city celebration and Jinlan City last week.This is the third time that the US aircraft carrier has visited Vietnam since the end of the Vietnam War.