(New York News) U.S. media reported that three Chinese researchers suffered from unknown diseases in the early days of the crown disease.

Wall Street Journal on Wednesday (June 21) quoted the US Intelligence Report that Hu Ben, a scientist at Wuhan Virus Research Institute, is one of the researchers who were sick in November 2019.According to the former and current US officials, the other two researchers were Yu Ping (transliteration) and Yan Zhu (transliteration) of Chinese scientists.

Reported that the nature of their disease has not been finalized.U.S. officials said the symptoms of these researchers are consistent with crown disease or a seasonal disease.

Robert Kadlec, a former senior official of the US Department of Health and Public Service, pointed out that the coronary virus experiments related to Shash announced by the three researchers were conducted in an inappropriate low biological safety environment.It may cause laboratory infection.

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2021 that the United States' information on the above -mentioned illness researchers at the time had promoted the more comprehensive investigation of whether the coronary virus was likely to leak from a laboratory in Wuhan.

The current and former U.S. officials said that Hu Ben is worthy of attention because he played an important role in the Research of the Coronatte Virus of the Wuhan Virus Research Institute.In addition, according to the documents obtained by the US information freedom based on the U.S. government, some research projects from the US government are funded by the US government.

Hu Ben has worked closely with Shi Zhengli, the main expert of the Bat Virus with the Bat Virus of the Wuhan Virus Research Institute.Most of Hu Ben's research focuses on modifying coronary viruses and enables it to combine with human cells.

Yu Ping is an expert studying the geographical dissemination of coronary virus. In 2019, he wrote a paper about the coronary virus related to Shas in bats in bats.

Beijing has always refused to accept the epidemic from China, including the possibility of leaking from the Chinese laboratory.Many epidemiologists and viruses believe that the virus that leads to the epidemic is about the first time in Wuhan in November 2019.