(Hong Kong/Beijing Comprehensive News) It is reported that the retired former deputy prime minister Liu He is still providing economic issues for senior management, especially on issues involving the United States.As an economist's knowledge reserve, Beijing is regarded as an important asset of formulating policies for the United States.

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post on Friday (June 23) quoted five sources that Liu He still participated in the internal meeting of the Chinese government's economic affairs after unloading all his positions, and had a high influence.

A source said that Chinese leadership highly evaluates Liu He's rich experience and knowledge.Another source said: "Liu He is asked to provide opinions on issues such as Chinese economic policies and how to deal with the United States on trade and economic issues."

Another source of sources revealed that after US Secretary of State Brillin visited China, many U.S. officials, including US Treasury Secretary Yellen, will visit China.It is reported that Beijing has to cooperate with the United States in some areas in some areas, while other areas must counterattack, while Liu He's knowledge reserves and experience are priceless for Beijing at this time.

Liu Wanxin, a senior researcher at the Institute of Economics, Germany, said that Liu He continued to serve the high -level Chinese high -level Chinese, which may pass a strong information, that is, economic development is still the primary task of the Chinese government."Liu He's knowledge and experience, his connection with key decision makers in other countries, and economic relations with other countries, especially other countries, especially the Western economy is a favorable asset."

The 71 -year -old Liu He was a member of the Politburo of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China in October last October. In March of this year, he stepped down as the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council.

Liu He has a professor titles and has obtained a master's degree in public management at the International Finance and Trade majors at the Kennedy Government College of Harvard University, USA.He is considered to be a market reformer, and he has played an important role in the 4 trillion stimulus economic plan launched by the financial crisis in China in 2008.

After becoming the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of China Finance, Technology and Industry in March 2018, he led many times with Washington's Sino -US trade negotiations.The last time was in January 2020 as a comprehensive economic dialogue between China and the United States, Chinese leaders went to Washington. After multiple rounds of negotiations, they reached the first phase of the Sino -US trade agreement, which played a role in alleviating the trade war caused by bilateral tension.