After the offshore RMB against the US dollar before the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the exchange rate of the US dollar once again stood on the 7.2 mark. On the first trading day after the festival, the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar also fell below 7.2.

According to, at 9:15 am on Monday (June 26), the People's Bank of China authorized the RMB in the RMB of the Chinese Foreign Exchange Trading Center against the US dollar in the middle price of 7.2056, compared with the previous trading day, That is, last Wednesday (June 21), the middle price depreciated 261 base points (BP).After the opening, the RMB against the US dollar depreciated at the expected exchange rate, as of 10:30 am. 7.2123.

This is also the exchange rate of the offshore RMB against the US dollar since November 2022, and once again stood on the 7.2 mark.

Last Wednesday, the RMB was reported to 7.1795 against the US dollar, a depreciation of 199 BP compared with the previous day.On the day of the day, the offshore RMB shook the depreciation of the shock, once to 7.2029, and then adjusted to near 7.1970.

The trend of the RMB on the shore is similar. At noon, it depreciated to 7.1979, and then the shock was adjusted to around 7.1920. The daily closing price at 16:30 was reported to 7.1938, and the night session was closed at 7.1740.