Minister of State and Politics and Social Policy, Shang Damman, said that the ultimate result of competition between China and the United States is unlikely that one system is better than another system.The two countries must coexist and coexist in the way of people's interests.

He said that how China and the United States seek new understanding and stability will also determine the prospects of coexisting with the United States and China in other countries.

Shengdanman, who was working in London, England, at noon (at 7 pm Singapore time) on Tuesday (June 13) in local time (7 pm), spoke on the forum held by the British Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)It is "building a more tough world."

Shang Damman described,

He said: "In fact, seeing one system is better than another system, one governing method is better than another, or a set of values is better than another set of values.Possible. "

Shang Daman has therefore called on the Chinese aesthetic society to coexist and cooperate to avoid the temptation of the concept of Cold Peace.He said: "A cold and peaceful state is likely to be highly unstable, full of tension, and high risk of conflict."

Shang Daman: The advantage of the protectionist system is at the cost of absolute performance

He also talked about industrial policies that are currently prevalent in the United States, Europe, China, and many other countries, and a considerable part of them has protectionist tendencies.

Shang Daman said: "If we think that industrial policies and foreign policies must aim at serving the interests of ordinary labor people, we must take the absolute performance of various countries as the main goal, not relative performance."

However, if the state adopts a protective system, applies restrictions, or has a negative overflow effect on other parts of the world, the country may maintain a relative advantage for a period of time, but this is almost definitely the absolute use of all countries.Performance is the cost.

In the Q & A session, Shang Damman further said that no one is a saint, and both sides must adjust to avoid arrogance for their old system.Both sides also have to realize that they have a lot in common in trying to improve people's lives and increasing income.

Shang Daman: China and the United States need an interdependent strategy

Shang Daman emphasized that China is deeply rooted in the free economic order, unlike the past Soviet Union and today's Russia.The fact that China's scale, the fact that it will not disappear, and the fact that it will continue to climb the innovative ladder means that it requires a dependent strategy between China and the United States.

Shang Damman said: "If there is no mutual survival strategy, it does not mean that China will really wither. It will eventually rise, but when it succeeds, it will know who has embarrassed it.Be dangerous. "

He also mentioned in his speech that if he does not solve the problem of polarization in China, global challenges, and global polarization will not be resolved."This requires a longer -term and more optimistic politics, rather than focusing on opponents, or focusing on people."

In the one -hour forum, Shangdan also talked about macroeconomic policies.He said that people must accept that monetary or fiscal policies are no longer simply responding to the economic cycle that is strong or declining.

He said that everyone is now full of shocking worlds, and the entire aspect of economic policy should not be waiting for the new crisis, but to invest in preventive measures and preparations.