Former US Treasury Secretary Samer called on China and the United States to make a "strategic guarantee". The United States must guarantee that China will not suppress China economy, and China must ensure that its economic policy goals areNot to project power worldwide.

However, interviewees believe that under the lack of mutual trust in China and the United States, "strategic guarantee" is just an unrealistic desire.

Sammer Monday (June 12) at the Caixin "Asian Vision Forum" held in Singapore responded to questions related to Sino -US relations, I hope that "Strategic Reassure" can become a relationship between the two countries.A keyword of the previous development.

He said that the United States needs to guarantee that it will not suppress China economy, and does not curb China to gain economic strength and international influence.

Summer believes that China is also responsible.He said that China can express the desire for a different type of great power relationship, and participate in the global economy in a way that matches its economic scale, influence and volume.right.

"But I think it is inappropriate for China to propose exactly outside the international system and formulate its own rules; China does not realize that its scale will affect the economy of other countries and adjust its strategy."

Samers suggested that China must be very cautious and issue a stronger signal. The goal of its economic policy is to improve the living standards of the Chinese people, not to project the power worldwide."In terms of guarantee, China has not fully achieved it."

"Strategic Reassure" is the concept of relations with China proposed by the Obama administration in 2009. The United States welcomes China's rise, but China must ensure that its development will not be at the cost of security and well -being of other countries.Samel was the director of the White House National Economic Committee of the Obama administration.

In response to whether Sino -US relations can develop forward under "strategic guarantee", interviewees are not optimistic.Wang Jiangyu, a professor at the School of Law of the City University of Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that strategic guarantee is a wish, but it is not operable. It is difficult to accept China and the United States. Especially the Chinese leadership already believes that the United States will curb China anyway."Between China and the United States, it is difficult to achieve this kind of mutual trust in terms of the economic and political system and culture."

Wang Jiangyu said that the strength of China and the United States was very different at that time, and the relationship was not as nervous as today."But at that time in China, China was not accepted (this concept), let alone today."

Summes also interpreted the current transfer of supply chain to China on Monday forums on Monday forums.He said that the reshaping of the international supply chain is the way that enterprises have obtained "toughness" and reduce risks in uncertain environment.

Summers said that enterprises should not only have a single supply source, nor should they rely on their own production suppliers, but to create decentralized and diverse supplier networks and increase strategic inventory."To get toughness, I will pay more attention to diversification, rather than globalization."