Chinese official media CCTV's platform "Yuyuan Tan Tian" posted a document to criticize the United States to touch porcelain, and said that the United States was urgent to communicate with China as an illusion.

Yuyuan Tan Tian said on Weibo on Tuesday (June 13): "Every time you say you want to meet, the United States is keen to make a bureau in China and create an illusion of urgent communication in the United States, and and the illusion of the United States.At the same time, it repeatedly tentatively provoked on the issue of the bottom line of China. "

The article states:" From the "balloon" farce at the beginning of the year, to the carefully shaped the defense chief "closed door" two weeks ago, thenLast week, the news of visiting China was densely released, and the United States applied to suppress tailoring, and pretended to be grieving himself into a victim.Society reported earlier that a U.S. official said that Secretary of State Brillings will visit China on June 18 and hold talks, but the US State Department has not announced it.