(Washington Comprehensive News) The United States has expanded the import of imports in Xinjiang, and two Chinese companies have been included in a blacklist that the relevant enterprises are suspected of infringing human rights in Xinjiang.

The United States is trying to repair the deteriorating Sino -US relations. Bloomberg analyzed that the decision in Washington would definitely angry Beijing.

The United States Department of Land and Security announced on Friday (June 9th) local time (June 9) that Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemistry, as well as the fourth largest laser printer manufacturer in the world, Nasda and eight subsidiaries located in Zhuhai, were included in preventing forced compulsoryThe entity list of Uighurs Labor Law.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that starting from June 12, the products produced by the above -mentioned companies will be banned from entering the United States because "these companies participate in the commercial behavior of members of the persecuted group, including the Uighurs in China, including the Uighurs in Chinaminority".

Beijing has not responded to the latest ban in Washington.

U.S. President Biden signed in December 2021 By preventing the Uighur Labor Law from preventing Uighurs, it officially implemented from June last year.This decree requires American companies to provide evidence that these products are not related to forced labor when importing Xinjiang goods, otherwise they will be banned.

There are currently 22 Chinese institutions that have been included in the blacklist, including solar material manufacturers, Xinjiang Daxin Energy Co., Ltd., Hesheng Silicon Industry (Shan Shan) Co., Ltd., and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security disclosed that in the past year, it has officially reviewed more than 4,000 batches of goods and valued at more than $ 1.75 billion ($ 1.75 billion) for one year.

Robert Silvers, the department is responsible for strategic, policies, and planning, said: "These law enforcement operations sends a clear signal to the importers ... companies must understand their own supply chain."

He said that in the survey of a series of backlogs, more companies may be blacklisted.

The U.S. Treasury also sanctioned several companies in mainland China and Hong Kong this week, because they were suspected of assisting Iran to obtain parts and technologies for developing ballistic missiles.

It is unclear whether these ban will affect the melting contact of senior Sino -US senior management.According to Reuters, U.S. Secretary of State Brillings is ready to go to Beijing on June 18 to start a visit to China.