In terms of exports of goods in the United States, some China's market share has been seized by Asian competitors, but still ranks among the largest trading partners in the United States.

According to Bloomberg, the headquarters in Canada's logistics technology company DESCARTES issued an analysis report on Monday (June 12) that the above content is one of the key points.

Descartes has studied the overall share of China's transportation exports to US containers over the past 20 years.China reached a peak of 44.5%in 2010, and it was basically unchanged by 2017, and then began a five -year decline.In the first five months of this year, China's share was 35.8%.

Chris Jones, the vice president of the industry executive of Descartes, wrote in a statement: "The share of the US container imports in China has been slowly declining, but it is still a lot of the top ten categories imported in the United States.The main native country of goods, although Vietnam, India, Thailand and Indonesia and other South Asia and Southeast Asian countries have quickly established many product categories of production capacity. "

DESCARTES said:" This highlights that American companies are learning to adopt adoptionMulti -country procurement strategies, including China. "

This report further proves that although the trade war, crown disease epidemic and the Russian and U -wars of the United States have erupted, the Western government has also adopted action to curb China's rise and become the rise of China.The leader of advanced technologies, but China, as an exporter, has remained quite good during this period.

"China's export value has increased by $ 1 trillion (about 1.34 trillion yuan) from the epidemic. Its export amount is increased by $ 1 trillion during the launch of a trade war," diplomacy. "Senior researcher and former Biden government official Brad Setser said, "A lot of important policies and measures aimed at reducing trade attraction have not produced the effect of reducing China to dependence on trade."

Setser is inThe latest ODD LOTS podcast of Bloomberg News said that the impact of other factors is greater.

"In the end, all these factors are more than our debate in 2019 -whether to impose tariffs on one -third, two -thirds or all of our trade with China -more importantly," more important, "He said.