The Minister of Defense between China and the United States failed to meet at the Shangri -La dialogue (referred to as Xiangxiang) held in Singapore in early June.It will not wipe the gun away, which leads to the completely out of control of Sino -US relations, and even a direct military conflict broke out.

Before this year's incense meeting, the United States put forward the suggestion of the US -China Defense Ministers' meeting, but was rejected by China.China Defense Director Li Shangfu said at the incense meeting that China has its own principles in communicating with the United States, hoping to communicate and cooperate on the basis of mutual respect."If we do not even respect each other, then our communication will not be effective."

At the incense meeting of previous years, if the China -US defense ministers attended the meeting at the same time, bilateral meetings will be held.For example, at the last year's incense meeting, China Defense Minister Wei Fenghe and US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin held talks. The two sides exchanged opinions on issues such as the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and the situation in Ukraine.

But China has rejected the meeting of the China -US Defense Ministers this year, mainly because the United States has not lifted sanctions on Li Shangfu so far.In September 2018, Li Shangfu, the Minister of Equipment Development of the CPC Central Military Commission, was included in the sanctions list because Li Shangfu had participated in China to buy Su-35 fighters and S-400 air defense systems from Russia.China protested and negotiated.

In March of this year, Li Shangfu rose to the National Defense Minister in the National People's Congress of China, but the United States did not remove him from the sanctions list.China believes that this indicates that the United States lacks basic respect for China and the sincerity of talking to the Chinese army.If Li Shangfu and Austin meet at the incense meeting, it is equivalent to swallowing the bitter fruit of Li Shangfu unilaterally sanction in the United States.

Although Austin and Li Shangfu held their hands during the Xianghui period, the two defense ministers were not polite on their own issues and criticized each other.

Austin has accused China of being responsible for being unable to talk to the Chinese and American armies.He said that the more dialogue, the more you can avoid misunderstanding or misjudgment that may cause crisis or conflict; dialogue is necessary, not a reward; for the responsible defense leader, the right time for dialogue is at any time, and now it is suitableopportunity.

Li Shangfu secretly criticized the United States to say different words and deeds on dialogue issues, accusing the United States of trying to promote the Asia -Pacific NATO, rendering confrontation, unilateral sanctions, launching color revolution, and dual standards., Fuck the set of weak meat. "He also warned that if there is a fierce conflict between China and the United States, "it is an unbearable pain in the world."

Taiwan's problem is the key to the two armies of the two armies to confront the news hotspot

Taiwan issue is the focus of the two defense chiefs.Austin emphasized that the United States does not seek conflict or confrontation, but will not shrink back in front of bullying and coercion.The United States is committed to maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait and opposing any party to unilaterally changing the status quo.He warned: "There is no doubt that the Taiwan Strait conflict will be devastating. Therefore, we resolutely maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."

Li Shangfu stated that if someone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will not hesitate, not afraid of any opponent, no matter how much the price pays, it will resolutely maintain national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Obviously, both China and the United States have accused each other of provocation on issues such as Taiwan and the South China Sea.The United States believes that China expands its military existence in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, and pose a threat to regional security with force "bullying and coercion" Taiwan and neighboring countries.China has rejected the United States to engage in "hegemony navigation" in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, encourage indulgence of "Taiwan independence" activities, attempts to "make China in Taiwan" and obstruct the unity and development of China.

Austin mentioned at the incense meeting: "China continues to intercept the number of US planes and its allies that legal air internationally airspace in the international air.Cases of professional flight. "

Austin's case occurred on May 26.On May 30, the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command issued a video and statement saying that on May 26, a Chinese J-16 fighter pilot was intercepted by the U.S. Air Force RC-135 aircraft."; Chinese pilot" flying directly to the RC-135's head of about 400 feet (about 122 meters) in front of the head of the RC-135, forcing the US machine to fly across its tail turbulence.The statement emphasized that the RC-135 was "conducting a safety routine operation in the South China Sea International Airship in accordance with international law."

And the Chinese military released news that on May 26, the Chinese Navy 17 ship (Shandong aircraft carrier) formation was trained in the South China Sea.Investigation interference, the Southern theater of the PLA organized air forces to track and monitor the whole process, dispose of laws and regulations, and operate professional specifications.

The Chinese and US military aircraft just had confrontation in the South China Sea, and the warships of the two countries confront each other in the Taiwan Strait.On June 3, when the "Zhongyun" destroyer and a Canadian frigate sailed in the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese Navy's "Suzhou" 052DL destroyer suddenly inserted into the front of the "Zhongyun" ship at a high speed.140 meters.The "Zhong Yun" was forced to slow down and change the direction.

Facing the US military's "domineering navigation" PLA abandon the "tolerance" tactics

The Chinese and American armed forces have signed the rules of action when the two -party ships met in the Gonghai Sea and the airspace during the Peace period. Maintaining a safe distance is an important part of it.According to the rules of action, the J-16 fighter aircraft flew in front of the RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft, and the "Suzhou" high-speed inserted into the front of the "Zhong Yun" ship was indeed a dangerous and unprofessional provocative behavior.

But why did China emphasize the "professional specifications" of their own fighters and warships?Because China believes that the US military RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft deliberately broke into the training area of Shandong ship and aircraft carriers, and once approached the airspace 50 kilometers from Chinese territory for a while, not normal flight, but maliciously near the reconnaissance. ThereforeAction rules directly warn the US reconnaissance aircraft to drive away.

Similarly, China believes that the American warship sailing for the Taiwan Strait is not based on the "harmless passage" of international practice, but a political operation that is obviously supported by "Taiwan independence" and provoked China's sovereignty.The rules are therefore the hostile action in front of the "Zhong Yun" in front of the "Suzhou".

It is worth noting that over the years, US warships have often entered the sea area or airspace close to China, such as the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea.The fierce interception operation of the day.

These two fierce operations may indicate that as China's military strength continues to increase, in the face of the "overbearing navigation" it considers, the PLA machines will no longer be based on forbearance, but will be more attacking.Fear of accidental collisions with US warships, and even wiping guns and getting angry.

The official communication pipeline is not interrupted, China and the United States want to restore high -level exchanges

Of course, China and the United States do not want to break out of war now, especially they do not want to fight against each other, but the two sides have little room for concessions to concessions from each other.Therefore, in the future, Sino -US relations will not only fall into a political deadlock, but also fall into a military confrontation. The risk of the crisis is higher than before.

However, although Li Shangfu and Austin did not meet at the incense meeting, the two sides still watched on the Taiwan Strait and other issues.And gradually recover.

Since May, China and the United States have made some efforts to try to restore bilateral officers that have interrupted due to the "balloon incident" in February.Fangyou.

From May 10th to 11th local time, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with US President's National Security Assistant Jake Sullivan in Vienna.According to the Chinese notification, the two sides conducted frank, deep, substantial, and constructive discussions on the elimination of Sino -US relations to eliminate obstacles and stop falling.

Next, U.S. President Biden Biden said on May 21 in Japan to participate in the G7 Summit that Sino -US relations will soon "thaw".Two days later, the new Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng went to the United States on May 23, and ended the situation where the United States had no Chinese ambassador in the past six months.Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao also went to the United States in late May to talk to the US Minister of Commerce Gina Raimondo and trade representative Dai Qi. The two sides agreed to communicate with specific economic and trade concerns and cooperation.

The British Financial Times quoted American sources in early June that during the G7 summit, Biden sent the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director William Burns to secretly visit China to repair Sino -US relations in the trough.

On June 4th, Daniel Kritenbrink, Assistant Secretary of State of the Asia -Pacific Affairs and Sarah Bran, senior director of the Chinese Affairs of the White House, visited China.Kangda was also the highest -level US official who visited China after the "Balloon Incident" dispute in China and the United States in February this year.The outside world believes that Conte on this trip may be paved for US Secretary of State Brillin, and American media also rumored that Brinken is expected to visit China within a few weeks.

The next day, Shalvin told the United States Cable Television News Network that I look forward to seeing US -China officials in high -level contact in the next few months, and at some time, President Bayeng and Chinese leaders meet again.

Refers to the different Chinese and deeds China feels foolish

China's response to the United States is constantly willing to restore high -level exchanges with China, and China's response seems relatively cold.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning asked in response to Biden's remarks about the rapid thawing of Sino -US relations: If the United States said to communicate, it is on curbing China and imposing sanctions on Chinese officials, institutions and enterprises.What is sincere and meaning?

Obviously, China believes that the United States 'statement about the recovery of high -level dialogue with China is contradictory with the United States' policy against China, and it belongs to different words and deeds or not to believe.Such a dialogue not only helps to improve Sino -US relations, but even let the high -level Chinese senior officials participating in the dialogue feel fooled. Therefore, China does not seem active in dialogue between Sino -US senior management.

But the cold attitude of China does not mean that China does not want to restore high -level exchanges between China and the United States.In fact, China also has a strong willingness to restore high -level exchanges between China and the United States.Both China and the United States know that although Sino -US relations have entered a comprehensive game period, even if bilateral relations are only normally maintained on the surface, it is of great significance to both parties.After all, neither side cannot bear the consequences of the completely ruptured bilateral relationship.

Therefore, the current Sino -US relations show a very contradictory scene: on the one hand, the two sides are constantly recruiting in the fields of science and technology, economy, trade, human rights, and even military confrontation in the military.On the other hand, the two sides talk about it from time to time, emphasizing the importance of maintaining bilateral relations and restoring high -level exchanges.

Contradictions belong to contradictions. Since the gunfire is invisible to China and the United States and the entire Asia -Pacific region, it is unbearable. The recovery of high -level exchanges between the two sides is the general trend.In this sense, Brinken visited China in the next few weeks, and Chinese officials went to the United States to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC) Summit in November this year, which is worth looking forward to.