East Timor is about to join Yajian. Scholars believe that not only is it good for East Timor's own development, but in the context of the more intense games of the great power, it is also conducive to maintaining the neutral position of Asian peace and strengthening the representativeness of Asia.

In November 2022, Asia Danian accepted East Timor to become the 11th member states, and allowed East Timor to observe all the Asian Simpan conferences including the Asian Security Summit.Asia's Asian was promoted to the East Timor to formulate a roadmap for the formal member states. This document was adopted by the member states at the 42nd Asian Security Summit in May this year.

Professor Liao Jianyu, a senior visiting researcher at the East Eastern Asian Research Institute, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that East Timor's joining Asia in Asia will not only help the growth and development of East Timor, but also good for Asianianan.

He said: "Because the disputes between the great powers are becoming more intense, East Timor joins the Yajian, so that it will not become a vassal of the great power, and it will be good for the neutrality of Ya'an.Southeast Asian countries. "

Economic In terms of economy, East Timor joining the Asianian's free trade agreement can bring benefits to both parties.

Dr. Mei Nong, a senior researcher at the Erv Isa Eastern South Asian Research Institute, said in an interview that the main economic interests that East Timor joined the Asia Gyankeke to obtain the increase in the future of self -trade and investment.Since East Timor is not a member of the World Trade Organization, its exports cannot be treated in most markets in most markets.By joining the Asianan and its free trade agreement, East Timor can ensure that it is a fair trade for its exports, including the most beneficiary of the country.

He said: "This will also send signals to the global investment community. East Timor will adopt a series of international standards and specifications ... reduce the risk and uncertainty of investing there.

"There is a weight to become a member of the Asianima, and the demonstration effect is huge, even more for a transformed economy such as Dong Timor."

Challenge of East Timor

David Freedman on behalf of East Timor, David Freedman, pointed out that since East Timor's independence, economic development has mainly relied on oil and natural gas, and investment and growth in non -petroleum areas have slowly.Due to the young population of East Timor and the vitality of the labor team, it has the conditions to support the establishment of a new industry and diversify the economy.

He said: "East Timor has all the necessary prerequisites to achieve faster non -petroleum economic growth, and develop more diversified economy."

Liao Jianyu believes that East Timor's economy is backward, and joining Asia in Asia will make "the integration of Southeast Asia slowly."According to the statistics of the World Bank, the GDP of East Timor (GDP) in East Timor in 2021 was at the bottom of Southeast Asian countries.

He said: "East Timor has just been independent for 21 years, the system has begun to be founded, starting to build national nations, backward national education, economic difficulties, and assistance from other countries. If you join the Asian safe, the richer Asianan country must assist this new member."

East Timor is the youngest country in Asia. It has invested a lot of resources to meet the conditions since applying for joining Asia in 2011.The member states of Asian'an also provide assistance to East Timor's "citizenship". For example, Singapore provides training for East Timor officials through the "Singapore -East Timor Ya Ya Sanna Natural Support" facilities, including English communication, notes and report writing, and negotiating courses.

East Timor to join the Asianan still takes time to handle some enrollment procedures, including modifying the law to enforce the various agreements signed by Yajia'an.

In addition, Asianan holds hundreds of meetings each year, which is a big burden on East Timor, but in the long run, this will help East Timor to steadily improve government capabilities.

As for whether the future Asia Jianan may continue to expand, Liao Jianyu believes that Asia's Dan will not continue to grow, because Asia Dan'an does not have a plan to establish a "regional government" like the European Union, and the members of the Asianan must be Southeast Asian countries.It is not eligible.

Enterprise: In the next five years, it will bring more foreign capital to East Timor

Enterprises and scholars are optimistic about the development of East Timor in the next five years. It is expected that investors in regional countries will be more active in local investment.

Lin Huanzhang, president of Smart Holding Group, said in an interview with the Morning Post that East Timor, as a young country, is currently actively developing the economy, and has also improved in terms of systems and planning. In recent years, it has grown rapidly in recent years.After he is also optimistic about East Timor to join the Asianan, he will bring more overseas investment to the local area to benefit economic development.

According to his observation, after the end of last year, Yaxian announced that in principle, after accepting the joining of East Timor, it was obvious that more people began to pay attention to East Timor, especially Chinese businessmen looking for business opportunities, and Singapore and Malaysia.

He said: "Overnight, East Timor seems to be very red ... However, many merchants are still cautious, especially Singapore businessmen. They will want to go there to inspect and collect information, and then evaluate whether they can invest."

Lin Huanzhang suggested that if you think of East Timor's investment, you must first adjust your expectations, understand the local regulations and cultural differences as much as possible, and do full homework to find business opportunities.

After participating in an East Timor China Merchants Club four years ago, Lin Huanzhang turned his investment to East Timor.After some investigations, he believed that Dong Timor "had a market and business opportunities" and decided to seize the opportunity to invest in the local area.

Smart Holding Group's comprehensive project "East Timor Binhai Plaza" in the total value of Mount East Timor (about S $ 114.26 million) in East Timor to meet the needs of local facilities such as high -quality houses, offices and hotels.The project will be completed in 2025.

The International Financial Company in East Timor represents Friedman, saying that East Timor ended in May this year.The election shows that it has made good progress in the national construction process, indicating that the development prospects of the next five years are good."All major parties are committed to joining Yajian. I believe that the process will not change significantly."

He pointed out that when the new government plans to formulate a plan for the next five years, it should consider several key issues, including maintaining and accelerating the good progress of the construction of human capital, ensuring the financial sustainability of the mid -termDivision leading economic growth.

The latest predictions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Organization show that East Timor's non -oil domestic GDP (GDP) can achieve 3%of the mid -term growth per year.Friedman said that if the East Timor Government implements policies and reforms that stimulate private investment, it is expected to achieve far higher than expected growth rates.