The US Department of Commerce included 43 entities in the export control list, saying that they recruited Western pilots to assist in training Chinese military personnel. Some entities were accused of helping China to develop hypersonic weapons or engaged in other activities that threatened US national security.

On the control list, it includes a Singaporean company.The United States pointed out that this Singaporean company uses Western and NATO resources to provide training for Chinese military pilots.According to information released by the US Department of Commerce's official website (June 12), this Singapore company is the International ASIA.It also has two other names -IAA and INTAERO.

The company that is included in the blacklist is distributed in nine countries. There are 31 Chinese entities, five UAE companies, four Pakistani companies, three South African companies, two British companies, and Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore and Singapore andA company in Thailand.Three of them appear in many countries, including International AEROSPACE Asia, which also appeared in Malaysia, Thailand and Britain.

Don Graves, deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said: "The entity list is one of the most powerful policy tools we can use.Use globally and who is used. "

The Ministry of Commerce of the United States said that according to specific and clarified facts, it is reasonable to believe that these entities have participated in, participating, and are likely to participate in activities that violate US national security or foreign policy interests.

Matthew Axelrod, Assistant Minister of Commerce, who is responsible for export enforcement, said in a statement: "We must prevent China from obtaining US technology and knowledge to realize their military modernization plan."

At the regular press conference of Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, who included dozens of Chinese companies in the export control "physical list" for the United States, in order to maintain its military and scientific and technological hegemony, "The concept of security, abuse of national power, and unreasonably target Chinese enterprises, wantonly destroy international economic and trade order and world trade rules, and seriously endanger the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain.

According to the US Department of Commerce, the Singapore address of the INERNATIONAL AEROSPACE Asia is No. 14 Anxiang Road.However, according to the investigation of the joint investigation of Lianhe Zaobao, the company has moved to Zhunuiyi No. 137 a few years ago, and the office is in a company named Camelot Trust.

Camelot Trust, an employee said that Internetal Aerospace Asia has always entrusted its company to register and other businesses. The company was at No. 14 Anxiang Road five or six years ago.When asked how many employees when INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE ASIA had, she said very little and rarely came to the company, but refused to disclose more information.

Online data shows that the International Aerospace Asia was founded in 1996. The main business is to develop software and applications (except games and network security).The company's previous names were Kiruna Trading PTE LTD and Yu Tai Investment Singapore Pte LTD.