In response to the recently announced sanctions on the grounds of Iranian missiles and military projects, the Ministry of Finance of China announced that some Chinese entities and individuals in China responded that China would take necessary measures to this.

According to the news released by the Ministry of Commerce on Monday (June 12) on the official website, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said that the United States included some Chinese enterprises and individuals in "specially involved in Iran.Specify the national list for sanctions, and China has opposed it.

A spokesman said that the United States lacks the factual basis, lacks legitimate procedures, harms the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and individuals, and states that the United States should stop unreasonable targeting Chinese enterprises and individuals.

The spokesman emphasized that China will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and individuals.

The US Department of Finance sanctions on six entities and seven individuals of mainland China, Hong Kong and Iran, because they are suspected of helping Iran to obtain parts and technologies for developing ballistic missiles.