(Washington Comprehensive News) U.S. Secretary of State Brillin reported that it will arrive in Beijing next Sunday (June 18) to open a number of visit to China for several months due to the "balloon incident".

Reuters Saturday (June 10) quoted a U.S. official saying that Brinken would visit China next Sunday, and he would also be in Beijing.However, the official did not disclose more information.

A number of media reported on Tuesday (June 6) that Brinton will visit China recently, but China and the United States have not confirmed the news and did not deny it.

Patt, a US State Department spokesman, said the Secretary of State had to announce the plan to go.Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in the United States, said that China is open to the United States.

Brinken originally planned to visit China in February this year, but the itinerary was put on hold due to the balloon incident.Since then, the relationship between the two countries has turned sharply.But since May, high -level China and the United States have been in frequent contact, and the communication channels of the two countries have gradually opened.

Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao went to the United States at the end of May to participate in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Minister of Trade. During the period, he met with US Minister of Commerce Raymond and Dai Qi.

The Supreme Official, Assistant Secretary of State of the U.S. State Council, the Secretary of State Kangda, and the senior director of the White House National Security Council, Bilan, also visited China on Monday (June 5).The White House spokesman Cerbon said on Tuesday that Kangda and Berlan visited China to keep the Sino -US dialogue channels open and pave the way for more high -level visits to China.

Public opinion believes that Kangda's visit to China is to prepare for Brinken's visit to China.The Wall Street Journal analyzed on Thursday (June 8th) that if Brinken visited China successfully, it could pave the way for the US Finance Minister Yellen and the Minister of Commerce Raymond.It is reported that the Chinese and American governments have been negotiating for several months on Yellen and Raymond.

However, in terms of defense, the two countries have not resumed dialogue.In the Shangri -La dialogue held in Singapore in early June, the Sino -US defense chief only shook hands and did not meet.

New frictions have also appeared in the Taiwan Strait.Video released by the U.S. Navy on June 4 showed that the Chinese and American wars were almost collided in the Taiwan Strait.The White House was called on Monday that the aggression of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was getting stronger and stronger; the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the actions taken by the Chinese army were necessary measures to deal with provocations related to the country, and they were completely safe.

Analysis believes that Bollingin's visit to China is also to seek the establishment of a crisis management and control mechanism between China and the United States.

The Indo -Pacific Affairs Coordinator of the White House National Security Council, Campbell, said on Tuesday (June 6) that the United States seeking communication with China is to build a crisis control mechanism similar to the Cold War.He said that with the growth of Chinese power, there are more opportunities for friction between the two armies than before.