The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is relaxing the regulations on importing certain chemotherapy drugs as a way to solve the shortage of cancer treatment drugs.

According to the Wall Street Journal, FDA said that China Qilu Pharmaceutical will be allowed to export a chemotherapy injection called cisplatin to the United States;There is a Chinese label.

The institution also said on Friday (June 2) that an Indian factory that a family was notified in recent months will be allowed to resume some cancer drugs to the United States, provided that they will get third parties to obtain third parties.Certification of its quality.

The agency said that it will flexibly promote the supply of other cisplatin products and chemotherapy drugs.

FDA commissioner Robert Califf said in a tweet: "The FDA recognizes the importance of key drugs in the supply of tumors stably, especially those drugs for potential treatment or extending life."

Kalif said that the agency will ensure that the products used during the shortage are safe for patients.

Cisplatin is a widely used chemotherapy drug.According to data from the National Institute of Cancer, 10%to 20%of all cancer patients have received the treatment of this drug.

Scientists believe that since 1975, cisplatin and similar drugs have reduced the mortality of testicular cancer by two -thirds.Cisplatin is also used to treat lung cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer and ovarian cancer.FDA data shows that this medicine has been in a shortage of supply since February.

It is reported that American doctors have to distribute some cancer drugs in recent months.

Karen Knudsen, chief executive officer of the American Cancer Association, said last month: "For cancer patients across the country, the shortage of certain cancer drugs has become a serious, threatening life threatening lifeQuestion ... There are no effective alternatives for some shortage drugs. "

She said that limited supply may cause patients to delay the treatment and deteriorate.