US National Security Consultant Sha Liewen said that Biden government prepared to contact Russia on the issue of nuclear military control, but the expansion of China's nuclear arsenal complicated the relevant efforts.of.He also urged Beijing to conduct negotiation with Washington on the nuclear control issue.

According to BloomberOne of the nuclear sets of scale ".

He shows that the United States is eager to discuss with Russia to discuss the newly reduced strategic weapon Treaty (New Start) after 2026, but the scope of nuclear control that the United States can agree will depend on the Chinese nuclear nuclearThe scale and scope of assembly.

Shatin said that there are no signs that China is willing to distinguish the stability of nuclear weapons strategies with a wider issue in Sino -US relations. He calls on Beijing to directly contact the United States on this issue.

Shatin said that he met with a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee at the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee last month.Shalvin said that he clearly stated that the United States still wanted to discuss the new military control framework with Russia and was ready to contact Moscow and Beijing in a sober state without prerequisite.