Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the Chinese Permanent Representative of the United Nations, criticized during his speech at the UN Security Council's Korean Peninsula Nuclear issue.Promoting the Korean Peninsula's non -nuclear goal.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Permanent Website of the United Nations on Wednesday (June 2), Geng Shuang said that the current tension of the Korean Peninsula has intensified and opposing confrontation has risen. China has expressed concern about this.The situation of the peninsula has developed to today.All parties cannot just look at the appearance, but also see the essence. You can't just look at today. You also have to see yesterday. You can't just look at the North Korean party.

He pointed out that the Korean Peninsula issue has been delayed for decades as the residual of the Cold War, and the crux and context are very clear.For decades, the peace mechanism of the Korean Peninsula has been lacking, and the DPRK's reasonable and safe concerns have not been resolved for a long time.

Geng Shuang said that the Korean Peninsula issue had a period of time, including the 1994 nuclear framework agreement, the "joint statement of September 19" in the Six Party talks in 2005, and the 2018 Singapore joint statement.At that time, the DPRK actively talked to the United States and abolished the agreement. However, because the United States did not comply with the principle of "commitment to commitment, action against action", the policy of re -sanctioning the policy of the North Korea's policy caused the situation to reverse and deteriorate the situation.Good opportunity.

He said that in recent years, the United States has incorporated the Korean Peninsula into the "Indo -Pacific Strategy", continuing to carry out military activities on the Korean Peninsula and surrounding areas, greatly increase military existence, and seriously damage the strategic security interests of the Korean Peninsula and neighboring countries.EssenceJust more than a month ago, the United States and South Korea issued a Washington Declaration stating that they would strengthen extended deterrence and even plan to send strategic nuclear submarines to visit the Korean Peninsula.

He also said that the United States' approach is concerned about other countries, fully serving the geopolitical interest, and insisted on using the topic to play and create tension on the Korean Peninsula issue.The United States' approach is full of cold war thinking, provoking camp confrontation, harming the strategic security interests of other countries, and running counter to the main goal of maintaining the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula, promoting the goal of nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

In addition, Geng Shuang said that the current situation of the Korean Peninsula is tense, fragile, complex and sensitive, and calls on all parties to keep calm and restraint, avoid mutual stimulation, prevent the situation from upgrading or even out of control;Focusing on reasonable concerns by restarting meaningful dialogue; focusing on the overall situation and long -term, in accordance with dual tracks, in parallel promotion to realize the nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of a peace mechanism for the Korean Peninsula.