American Assistant Secretary of State Kangda Sunday (June 4) arrived in Beijing.Experts and scholars from China analyzed that Kangda's trip may be paved by the United States who want to make a higher -level contact between the two sides.

According to the Chinese official media ring Times reported on Monday (5th), American expert Lu Xiang believes that Kangda is a typical professional diplomat. His interview this time is a research.The superior instructions, follow -up interviews, so don't expect that they will have any breakthrough performance in the visit.

Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of the Chinese Academy of Foreign Affairs, believes that the intensive promotion of exchanges in China is due to the benefit of the benefit, not because of good faith.He pointed out that on the one hand, the United States wants to expressed "the United States 'policy is competitive rather than a conflict" on the one hand, and expressed "the United States' pursuit of China is competitive rather than conflict" on the one hand.Can meet the requirements of the United States to the greatest extent.

According to Agence France -Presse, Kangda also visited China in February this year at the time to prepare for the US Secretary of State Brosky.However, Blingken was canceled in China because of the "balloon incident", and Sino -US exchanges trapped in a deadlock.

Global Times reported that since March, many US officials have expressed their willingness to talk and communicate with China, and frequent plans for visiting China.Officials from the US Department of Commerce came to China in April and communicated on the issues of relations between China and the United States, and also exchanged opinions on the communication and cooperation between the Ministry of Commerce of the two countries.

In early May of this year, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, and the US President's National Security Affairs Assistant to meet in Vienna. China and the United States began to have higher levels of contact.

Recently, there are also some US company executives visited China, including Tesla CEO Mask, Morgan Chase CEO Demon, and Nvida CEO Huang Renxun, who planned to visit China in June.