Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense of Singapore, revealed that when the Sino -US Defense Minister talked with him, he expressed his hope to restore the original dialogue mechanism, but when it is recovered and how to effectively carry out them, they must be determined by them.

Dr. Huang Yonghong on Saturday (June 3) in the 20th Shangri -La Dialogue , hold a lunch round table with the 29th National Defense Minister and Representative.US Defense Minister Austin was sitting next to Huang Yonghong, while Chinese Defense Director Li Shangfu sat opposite him.

When Huang Yonghong was interviewed by the media after lunch, he was asked about the lack of communication between China and the United States.Huang Yonghong said that of course everyone is very concerned about this.He quoted Austin's speech in the morning that friends must maintain communication between friends, and to maintain communication between opponents, because when they are in disputes, they must pick up the phone to discuss how to make the situation allow the situation to let the situation be allowedCooling.

Huang Yonghong said that although for some reasons, there was no formal meeting between China and the United States defense, but they met each other, and at the same table on Friday's dinner, sitting opposite each other at lunch, hearing each other's conversation.He hopes that this can let them preliminarily know each other's ideas, tendencies, and temperament, add this information to their respective information libraries, and can come in handy when they finally come into contact.