The Philippine Minister of Defense Garves pointed out that if regional countries lack trust and tend to act separately, they will promote the return of the "iron curtain" and destroy potential mutual trust and cooperation relationships.

He on Saturday (June 3rd) in

He said: "It is not easy to have such political willingness and mutual trust, be able to sit down to start a constructive dialogue and reach an agreement ... But when the risk of conflict is imminent, there are more conversations."

He believes that the principles of openness, transparency and tolerance provide a neutral basis, so that everyone can express their positions and attention."Based on this, the Philippines still persisted in seeking the Guidelines of the South China Sea that implements the essence of Asia and China."

Philippine Defense: The Philippines is willing to expand partners and allies

During the questioning session, some participants asked: whether the Philippines recently cooperated with the United States, Japan and Australia to strengthen deterrence, which means that the Philippines is from the hedging strategy between the United States and China to the United States more closely all over the United States.As part of Manila's balance of China?

Garves did not answer this question positively, only to say that the Philippines is willing to expand partners and allies."We have been seeking support from different countries, including countries that are like -minded to achieve the prosperity of the Pacific."

At another symposium on the theme of "Balanced Asia -Pacific Small Multidirectional and Asian Simpan Core", the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Foreign Affairs believes that small multilateralism can strengthen the core of the sub -seeds; multilateralism and small multilateral multilateralDo not reprimand, but can play a complementary role and assisted Yajia'an to quickly respond to challenges inside and outside the region.

He takes regional marine topics as an example, refers to Ya'an , Strengthen the maritime dialogue between China and the United States, especially with China.