The US White House National Security Consultant Sha Liwen said in an interview program broadcast on Sunday (June 4), CNN (CNN), saying that the heads of state of the United States and China will be at some point (at some point) Meet again.

Shatin said that he hopes that American officials who are responsible for high -level contact with Chinese officials can continue to conduct high -level contact in a few months.

He believes that fierce competition in important economic and technical fields, and ensuring that such competitions will not slip to conflict or confrontation, there are no inconsistencies in both aspects.

Sino -US mutual pointed out that the other party must be responsible for the two armies who cannot talk normally.In response to US Secretary of Defense Austin criticizing China to refuse to talk to the two armies' crisis management and control, China Saturday (June 3) at a hair dryer held at the Shangri -La Hotel, it was a series of misunderstandings in the United States.Essence

Austin warned at Shangri -La dialogue on the same day that once the conflict of the Taiwan Strait broke out will be "devastating," the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is related to the world.He also criticized China to reject the dialogue between the two countries' defense ministers and shouted that "now is the right time for dialogue."

China Defense Minister Li Shangfu said in Shangri -La dialogue the next day (4th) that the Sino -US system is different, but it does not prevent both parties from seeking common development relationships in common deposits.He also warned that if there was a fierce conflict between China and the United States, "it was an unbearable pain in the world."