Austin, the US Minister of Defense, criticized China to refuse to talk to the crisis control of the two armies. China ’s anti -referring to the United States is a series of misunderstandings and deeds in the United States, and did not create conditions for the communication between the two armies.

China was held on Saturday (June 3) at the Shangri -La Hotel, which was refuted by Austin's speech at the dialogue by Jing Jianfeng, the deputy chief staff chief of staff of the Communist Party of China Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee.

Jing Jianfeng said that China attaches great importance to the development of the relationship between the two Army between the United States and the United States. The contact and exchanges between the two armies have not been interrupted, and referring to the difficulties faced by the current Sino -US military relations, "responsibility in the United States."

Jing Jianfeng accused the United States of calling on communication and harming the interests of the Chinese side while claiming to strengthen the control of crisis and provocation, "there is no such reason in the world."He called on the United States to respect China's core interests and major concerns, and remove obstacles for the two armies with actual actions.

Taiwan issue is the core interest that China has repeatedly emphasized.Jing Jianfeng stated at the blower that the PLA "full time to fight, can fight at any time", resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and Taiwan issues "must not be compromised."

He also criticized the United States to continue to blur and empty the principle of China, strengthen official exchanges with Taiwan, condonate the split activities of Taiwan independence, improve the number and performance of Taiwan -selling weapons, and attract other countries to intervene in Taiwan.

As for the South China Sea issue, Jing Jianfeng said that China has "unsatisfactory sovereignty" on the South China Sea Islands and its nearby waters.He reiterated that China did not accept or recognize the decision of the South China Sea Arbitration Case, and said that regional countries have the ability to deal with the South China Sea issue.

He Lei, a member of the Chinese Military delegation and the former vice president of the Military Sciences, said in an interview with the media outside the venue that who meets the Chinese side with each other is equal and mutually negotiated, and said that the United States "cannot take its own country's own country’s.Will be stronger to another country. "

He Lei emphasized that China will not hear the painting of any country.