It takes time to establish communication channels between the country and the country.Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense, called on China and the United States to maintain the opening of communication channels. He said that he was confident that the Sino -US Defense Ministers would meet, but the two sides should avoid the situation that "there is a crisis to talk to each other."

Huang Yonghong Sunday (June 4th) at noon in Shangri -La dialogue at the seventh session of the Shangri -La, the decrease in contact between China and the United States in recent years, and issued a appeal to maintain communication channels.He said that there must be formal and informal communication channels between the country, so as to cool down and prevent conflicts when accidents occur.

Huang Yonghong listed the active interaction between Chinese and American officials in the past 10 years, indicating that China and the United States have reduced their contact in recent years.He specifically pointed out that in 2011, Chen Bingde, then the chief of staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, was invited to visit the US military base and defense agencies. In 2014 and 2016, the Chinese People's Liberation Army was invited to participate(Referred to as RIMPAC), showing the positive interaction between China and the United States some periods.

Singapore and other Asianan countries are not "passers -by who is not at their own" in relations between China and the United States.Huang Yonghong said that although China and the United States stated that they do not want to choose the side of the Aya'an country, the latter has witnessed the catastrophic consequences of the great powers in the past. Therefore, paying deep attention to the deterioration of Sino -US relations will inevitably force individual Southeast Asian countries to make difficult choices.

At least 10 years in the next 10 years, the primary process of leaders in Asian countries is to prevent military conflicts from erupting in the region.Huang Yonghong said that although everyone agrees to avoid war in Europe and Asia at the same time, the realistic and development trajectory of geopolitics deviates from these discussions.

He pointed out that global defense expenditures reached 22 trillion US dollars (about S $ 3 trillion, the same below).By 2030, national defense expenditures in the United States and China are expected to reach US $ 1 trillion and $ 5 billion, respectively; Australia, Japan, and India have reached 40 billion US dollars to US $ 180 billion; Asianiana has increased by 40 %, reaching US $ 130 billion.

Huang Yonghong said that the increase in national defense expenses is not necessarily the embodiment of unstable.However, if there is a lack of strategic framework for each other's contact and restraint, the deterrent effect of national defense forces has been reduced, and the risk of conflicts will increase. Increased defense expenditure will also lead to military reserve competitions, which may cause greater damage.

When receiving media interviews and summary incense meetings, Huang Yonghong mentioned again that the protective bar between China and the United States is "deactivated one by one".He therefore reiterated the importance of maintaining communication channels and described the channels without communication like "first -level equations (F1) drivers on the same track on the same track."

The willingness to meet between China and the United States should avoid the dialogue when there is a crisis

Huang Yonghong believes that China and the United States have the willingness to meet. He is confident that the meeting between the two parties will eventually be realized, so that the two parties should set up direct communication channels at appropriate time.

"But we must avoid talking to each other because of the crisis. Otherwise, you will consider, what if I pick up the phone, but what to do if the other party does not answer?How to cool down? "

In the Ukrainian battle situation, Huang Yonghong noticed that it was rumored that Ukraine might start a counterattack in the next few months, and more high -intensity conflicts broke out on the Ukrainian battlefield.However, how long the war will last, no one is accurate.

He also said that the Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov did not hesitate to visit the Singapore to attend the incense meeting long distances, explaining Ukraine's views, and reflecting the most sincere conversation spirit.Solution.

Although all parties at this session of this session have different views on the European war, Huang Yonghong said that everyone frankly explained their views, and no one denied his views.As for how the situation will evolve, it will eventually be decided by the people and leaders of Ukraine.