Zheng Wencan, who had served as the vice president of the Executive Yuan during the Tsai Ing -wen government, officially served as chairman of the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation (referred to as sea base) on Friday (June 7).He specifically quoted the Regulations of the Constitution and Cross -Strait People's Relations as a basis for the sources of cross -strait affairs and shouted to Beijing, hoping to "exchange replacement of siege and dialogue to replace confrontation."

When Taiwan Lai Qingde announced the new cabinet personnel at the end of April, it was announced that Zheng Wencan would take over as chairman of the Sea Foundation.The Sea Foundation held a joint meeting of directors and supervisors on Friday and officially passed his personnel case.

Zheng Wencan emphasized at the beginning of his speech, "the sea base will be established in accordance with the (Republic of China) Constitution and the Regulations on Cross -Strait People's Relations. The purpose is to promote cross -strait exchanges, dialogue, and negotiation."

He went on to say that from Tsai Ing -wen to Lai Qingde, the DPP government's development of cross -strait relations "" all upholds a firm position, stable attitude, and goodwill in goodwill.The direction.

Zheng Wencan also reiterated that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech mentioned, "In accordance with the constitutional system of the Republic of China, it will not be humble or maintain the status quo, and will also use communication to replace the encirclement and dialogue instead of confrontation under the four persistence."" ".

He emphasized that Taiwan is a society that pays great attention to freedom and democracy, human rights and multiculturalism in the rule of law, and has a very dynamic and innovative economy.Open in the stage, we are ready. "

Zheng Wencan also said that there will be understanding and understanding of exchanges."We hope to increase understanding and promote understanding. After all, cross -strait relations are the top priority of the survival and development of our country. Through communication, this peace can have a better foundation, reduce accidents and reduce risks, and make peace become a common language.It's our highest goal "

Zheng Wencan belongs to the new trend system in the DPP. The Chen Shui -bian government has served as the Deputy Secretary -General of the Sea Foundation during his tenure. Later, he also served as a spokesman for the DPP China Affairs Committee.The president of the association has so far been the "Zhizhong School" in the Democratic Progressive Party.

The Straits Exchange Foundation held the Directors and Supervisory Committee on the afternoon of June 7 to pass the new chairman Zheng Wencan (right), Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Luo Wenjia (left) personnel case.The picture shows the two took a group photo outside the meeting.(Photo by Miao Zonghan)

On the other hand, on the day of the joint meeting of the Director and Supervisor of the Sea Foundation, it also passed the personnel case of Luo Wenjia, a new vice chairman and secretary general, Luo Wenjia.

Prior to this, there was a Taiwan media reported that Luo Wenjia, who was once the Secretary -General of the Democratic Progressive Party, was the "Supervisor" of Lai Qingde arranged in the Sea Foundation.

Zheng Wencan's speech on Friday, the process of counting with Luo Wenjia from the university, and pointed out that during the party and government's public office, they also had more intersections in different positions.He also believes that he can play the role of the Sea Foundation with Luo Wenjia in accordance with the government policy.


The Sea Foundation was established in November 1990. It is entrusted and authorized by the mainland committee of the Taiwan government to conduct contact with mainland China on the exercise of public power. The counterpart unit is the Cross -Strait Relations Association of Mainland China.

Since 1991, the two sides have begun contact and negotiation, and in April 1993, the "Wang Gu talks" was held in Singapore to sign four agreements.After that, the cross -strait governments conducted many negotiations through this channel to establish an institutionalized negotiation mechanism.

But since the DPP's ruling in 2016, the negotiation mechanism of the sea base and the Maritime Association has been interrupted, and only cross -strait documents verification and urgent assistance interaction are left.