After the Taiwan Executive Yuan made reconsideration of the Legislative Yuan's authority amendments, the people's party group claimed that they did not support the reconsideration of the Political Court.After that, he will express the idea of ​​reconsideration during the voting.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily Free Times China Times reported that the Taiwan Executive Yuan formally formulated reconsideration on the Reform of the Legislative Court on Thursday (June 6), and proposed seven reasonsIn essence discussions, violate the principles of democracy; confuse the dual head system, and inquire the president's violation of the constitution; investigate the public without differences, and the scope of hearing is too wide; ignore the legitimate legal procedures and violate procedure justice;The definition of Congress is unknown and deliberately expands the power of the Legislative Yuan; the "suspect" officials can have a hypocritical statement, and they can classes the criminal responsibility.

Huang Guochang, the general party of the People's Party, was called Huang Shanshan, the vice president of the party's party group, and Wu Chuncheng, the director of the party group, and other people.Essence

Huang Guochang said at the meeting that he was shocked after reading the seven major reasons after reading the Executive Yuan. He thought that only the DPP legislators and wings of the Wing would discredit cognitive operations.The central kitchen, which spreads fake messages, is regrettable, and the party group strongly condemns.

Huang Guochang pointed out that the party and the group proposed severe criticism of the government of the government.

I was asked if the resumption proposal was not approved, and whether the Executive Dean would not trust the case. Huang Guochang said that it should come step by step.The Legislative Yuan decided and implemented, "I'm afraid I should know what I know."

In addition, the Kuomintang legislator and the chairman of the Gao Municipal Party Department, Ke Zhien, said on Friday on the Executive Yuan's reconsideration of the law of authority the Law of the Legislative Yuan. Of courseThe matter has reached a consensus, and the other party proposes reconsideration. The Kuomintang will inevitably loses the bill on the procedural committee next Tuesday (11th). It may enter the venue next Tuesday or next Friday (14th) to express the Kuomintang and the people's party's reconsideration proposal.idea.

On Wednesday (5th) of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, the "Part of the Law of the Legislative Court's Power Exercise Law" and the "Chapter 5 of Chapter 5 of the Criminal Law of the Republic of China and Article 141 of Article 141"Send to the Executive Yuan.

The Constitutional Repair Article stipulates that the provisions will be requested to the Legislative Yuan for reconsideration within 10 days. The Legislative Yuan shall make a resolution within 15 days of the reconnaissance.For example, after the resolution of more than one -half of the legislators to maintain the original case, the president of the administrative dean should accept the resolution.

This means that as long as the blue and white legislators join forces, the reconsideration will not pass, and the bill can be maintained.

The draft amendments to the law of the law of the Legislative Yuan passed by the third reading, and if the person inquired, if he despise the behavior of the Executive Yuan, such as anti -questioning, or refusing to answer, providing information, etc., you can pay 20,000 yuan.834 yuan) Penalty below 200,000 yuan.The bill also requires the president to go to the Legislative Yuan to conduct a national conditions report. When conducting verbal questions for legislators, the president should answer in order.