image source, cybrothel

The world's first cyber brothel (Cybrothel) will launch a service at the end of this month after the test stage, and Berlin netizens can book an hour of an artificial intelligence doll (AI Sex Doll) online.

The user of this online brothel will be able to interact verbally with AI dolls.

Philipp Fussenegger, the founder and owner of the Internet brothel, said: "Many people are more willing to share private affairs with machines because it will not comment."

"People used to be interested in dolls with dubbing actors, and users can only hear their voices and interact with dolls. Now, people have greater demand for communication with AI."

This is just one of the many ways to use generatory AI in the adult entertainment industry.

Analysis of the Internet marketing service company Splitmetrics shows that the downloads of AI partner applications in the Google Play store reached 225 million times.

Thomas Kriebernegg, general manager of the company, said: "I want more application developers to notice this trend and look for such applications to further innovate and make money."

Misha Rykov, a privacy researcher at Mozilla, "no privacy shopping guide", said that AI partners may bring rich profits.

He said, "Given that most chat robots are charged, and core technologies have appeared in other fields (such as Open AI), which makes it look like a high -profile business. In addition, these, these, these, these, these, these, these, these, these, these, these, these, these, these other than that, these, these, these, these, areApplications collect personal data and often share with third parties such as advertisers -this is a test of real business model.

But AI's approach to adult entertainment business has sounded the alarm.

One problem is the inherent prejudice of generatory AI because it generates new content based on the trained data.

Leverlme Center for the Future of Intelligence, a senior researcher Dr. Kerry McInerney, said that the "gender stereotype impression" about sex and happiness may be possibleIt will be encoded into a sex chat robot, and this is a "degenerative" impression.

She said: "Especially important, we need to understand which types of data sets are used to train training chat robots, otherwise, we may copy the ideas that degrade women's pleasure and ignore the sex outside the heterosexual intercourse.The idea of ​​behavior "

Reikov said that the AI ​​chat robot still has the risk of addiction. The AI ​​chat robot aims at lonely people, especially men.

"Most of the AI ​​chat robots we review have high addiction and some potential harm, especially the users who are facing psychological health issues."

Reikov said that in the interaction with AI chat robots, "we discovered the theme of abuse, violence, and minors." Mozra has added content warnings to multiple AI chat robots.

He also raised privacy issues.Chat robots with cooperative relationships are designed to collect "unprecedented personal data."

Revoff said that Mozra Company reviewed the review90%of applications are "may share or sell personal data", and more than half of applications do not allow users to delete personal data.

Others warn that AI may also danger to relations in the real world.

Tamara Hoyton, a senior consultant of the consulting service company Rela, pointed out: "If the real interaction is very disappointing, there may be some difficulties, because they do not meet the strictness of users in the AI ​​erotic experience.The requirements for definitions " Ms. Hoidon added that in some cases, AI erotic interaction may bring users into a dangerous area.

"There are some fantasies. Many people are awakened by their ideas that they have completely unintentionally put into action. The AI ​​pornographic experience may be like this."

She pointed out: "But if it turns into an assumption scenario, such as a sense of rights, or based on the user's obedient experience of AI objects, each AI object will excite you, then this is a problem"

companies using AI in the adult entertainment industry admit that they need to be treated with caution, but they insist that AI can play an important role.

Philipp Hamgerer, the head of AI, said that the company's goal is to "enhance the sexual experience of customers, not replace it, which is an important boundary."

Some adult entertainment practitioners believe that AI will have a positive impact on the industry.

Ruben Cruz (Ruben Cruz) is the co -founder of the Barcelona AI Internet celebrity model agency The Clueless Agency. The agency has created the first batch of AI female Internet celebrity models, including Aitana (AitanaLopez).

Cruz pointed out that sex industries will always exist, and AI can help reduce moral issues by ensuring that content is not created.

He said: "This change aims to ensure that no one in the future must be defined, regardless of men and women."