Taiwan Defense Minister: There is no first hit in Taiwan

Gu Lixiong, the new Minister of Defense in Taiwan, emphasized that there is no problem in Taiwan's first blow. If the Chinese PLA invades 12 nautical miles (22.22 kilometers) in Taiwan, it will threaten the Taiwan Strait Airspace, and Taiwan will exercise self -defense.

Gu Lixiong went to the Legislative Yuan for the first time on Thursday (June 6) to conduct business reports and inquire about business reports.He made the above statement when he answered the questioning of Ma Wenjun and Wang Hongwei, the KMT legislator Ma Wenjun and Wang Hongwei.

U.S. President Bynden recently accepted an exclusive interview with Time Magazine (Time), and fifth mentioned the possibility of not being ruled out to protect Taiwan."" ".

Gu Lixiong pointed out in the response to the Kuomintang legislators Lai Shizheng that Biden has still maintained its strategic blurring so far and did not clearly explain whether he sent troops to protect Taiwan, but it also allowed Beijing to understand the possibility of not being able to send troops.

He believes that from the perspective of Biden's past conversation, it is to highlight the importance of Taiwan, that is, the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is an indispensable element of global security and prosperity. "" We first strengthen self -defense capabilities and join the United States.The so -called formation of an effective obstacle of Indo -Pacific Strategy. "

Wang Hongwei said that Qiu Guozheng, former Minister of Defense, couldn't sleep because of worrying about the severe situation on both sides of the strait. She asked the sleep quality of Gu Lixiong, who was transferred from the Secretary -General of the National Security Council to the Minister of Defense?

Gu Lixiong said that he was cautious, and the quality of sleep was similar to the past.

Mainland China launched two days on May 23 Lianli Sword-20124A "Military Express , when the Taiwan Ministry of Defense held a military conference, Gu Lixiong flashed only after listening to the" Five Minute Briefing ", and the outside world questioned whether it could grasp the situation.

Gu Lixiong did not deny the matter.He said that there were some sisters beforehand, and the Ministry of National Defense made predictions.At 7:30 in the morning on May 23, he began to be reported by the enemy situation. In mainland China at 7.40, he has released a sharp sword exercise.After that, the handling measures were handed over to the chief of staff, and he went to the Executive Yuan meeting.

Gu Lixiong said that even if it is urgent, the response disposal immediately is authorized to the JAOC (Air Force combat headquarters) commander to order the mission aircraft, machine ships and troops to exercise self -defense.This is already in the emergency disposal regulations, which is very clear.

Ma Wenjun asked Lizen's definition of "first blow", Gu Lixiong immediately explained, "We have no first hit, we only have the exercise of self -defense rights."

He pointed out that the exercise of self -defense rights is that the mainland PLA attacks Taiwan ’s aircraft ship facilities, or attack Taiwan’ s islands, outer islands, and no flight entities to enter Taiwan ’s 12 nautical miles to lead the sea.The degree, we do self -defense counterattack proportion. "

In the past two years, in response to the situation of the Taiwan Strait, Qiu Guo has ordered the military units to be positive and deputy officers who are not allowed to leave or leave the camp at the same time.Gu Lixiong announced on Wednesday (June 5) that the regulations of the positive and deputy officials at all levels will restore the normal state from now on.

At the same time, in the past, soldiers exit were limited to the delegation, and they could not travel by themselves in order to prevent leaks.The Ministry of National Defense issued a "amendment to the regulations for going abroad" on Wednesday and officially opened its own self -service travel, but it must be attached to the schedule.

Gu Lixiong said that he felt that he should focus on combat training. Other "subtraction methods are processed, and some excessive formalism regulations must be canceled.

In addition, the US National Defense Cooperation Security Agency (DSCA) announced on the 5th of Eastern Time, and will sell F-16 fighter parts .

The Taiwan Department of Defense said that the United States has continued to assist Taiwan to maintain sufficient self -defense capabilities.