Yang Jinlong, president of the Central Bank of Taiwan, previews that the estimated value of the growth rate of local GDP (GDP) will be 3.5%next week, and implies that it will not raise interest rates in June.

Comprehensive Taiwan Economic Daily China Times reported that the main plan of Taiwan's main plan has recently repaired the economic growth rate of 3.94%this year.On the 13th) At the meeting of the supervisors, the economic growth estimates this year will also be amended, which will probably increase from 3.22%of the previous season to 3.5%.

Yang Jinlong said that the views of the central bank and the general planning department are roughly the same. The Taiwan economy is recovering, but it is not very strong.

The outside world also pays attention to whether the central bank will raise interest rates. Yang Jinlong responded that the interest rate hike was mainly to deal with inflation, not used to deal with house prices.According to the interpretation of the outside world, this remark almost explicitly stated that it would not raise interest rates, but Yang Jinlong said that "this is not the result."

Global entering the interest rate cut, the central bank of Taiwan's first quarter of this year, the Supervisors and Supervisory Board of the Central Bank adversions, unexpectedly raising interest rates (0.125 percentage points).At the time, Yang Jinlong said, "This is Surprise, but reasonable."Yang Jinlong said on Thursday that it is not good to give Surprise.He said that the last increase of interest rates was the forecast of inflation in April.