Taiwan Lai Qingde said when he met with the Chinese engineers' scholars, and said that the goal of the new government was to create a new Taiwan and the second economic miracle of Taiwan.

According to the Taiwan government, Lai Qingde met with the award -winning of the Chinese Engineer Society this year on Thursday (June 6) and made the above statements in his speech.

Lai Qingde thanked China Engineers to learn to actively promote the output of the engineering industry, allow Taiwan to integrate with the world, and promote the development of high -tech Taiwan through international exchanges and cooperation.

He pointed out that the Chinese Trade Union hosted the Asia and Pacific Engineering Organization Alliance Member Conference and seminar last month, showing Taiwan's development in the field of engineering, which greatly enhanced Taiwan's international visibility.The annual meeting held on Thursday afternoon also responded to the government's 2050 net zero -transformation development policy, with the theme of "Engineering Leading · Smart Sustainable".

Lai Qingde emphasized that the goal of the new government is to create a wise sustainable new Taiwan and create Taiwan's second economic miracle.The government will continue to assist SMEs to implement digital transformation and net zero transformation, and promote the development of wisdom and net zero technology industry.

He mentioned that the government must also make good use of Taiwan's advantages to promote the industrialization of artificial intelligence (AI) and industrial AI, promote Taiwan to become an artificial intelligence island, lead Taiwan's development in the new era of the AI, continue to expandTaiwan's strength to benefit the people.

Lai Qingde attended the opening ceremony of the Taipei International Computer Exhibition on Tuesday (June 4), hoping to call on the business community and jointly build Taiwan to become an artificial intelligence island.

Lai Qingde promises that the government will continue to cultivate talents including ICT (information and communication technology) industries, wafer manufacturing, semiconductor and artificial intelligence, so that Taiwan's goal of artificial intelligence island can be achieved.