The Taiwan MAC said that the Straits Forum is a platform that mainland China is used to promote anti -independence, promote melting, and promote the position of Taiwan.

The Taiwan MAC issued a press release on Thursday (June 6) that the Straits Forum is a united front platform for mainland China. It is forbidden to handle related activities in Taiwan.Mainland related activities in the Taiwan Cooperative Forum.

The press release shows that the Taiwan government banned government agencies from participating in the forum and did not meet local government officials in Taiwan to participate in related activities.The press release also called on all sectors of Taiwan to abide by the norms.

The Taiwan MAC also stated that the people of Taiwan are prohibited from participating in the "democratic consultation" that eliminates the "Republic of China" and promotes the "one country, two systems Taiwan plan", and prohibit institutions, individuals, or group parties involved in any form. "One country, two system Taiwan plan "or" democratic consultation "activities.If there is an illegal situation, the competent authority will deal with it according to law.

The MAC reiterated that the Taiwan government supports non -prerequisites for political premise, healthy and orderly cross -strait exchanges, but opposes the use of the name of the name of the communication and the publicity and political operations, and calls on all sectors of TaiwanPolitical operations, considering the sense of social perception, and jointly safeguarding the core value of Taiwan's sovereignty and freedom democracy.

The Straits Forum is a civil exchange platform between mainland China and Taiwan on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The Taiwan Central Work Office is guided by the Chinese Government's Fujian Provincial Committee, the Fujian Provincial People's Government and some civil groups in Taiwan.Co -sponsored.The event began in 2009. The hosting location was located in various cities in Fujian Province, and the main venue was located in Xiamen.

At present, Lian Shengwen, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, has shown that he will go to Fujian to participate in the Straits Forum and the Cross -Strait Youth Forum.Liang Wenjie, deputy chairman of the MAC, also confirmed that the MAC has received an application from Yunlin and Golden Gate, hoping to go to land to participate in the Straits Forum. "We are not happy, but the central government will not stop it."