The three readings of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan Reform Act passed into disputes. The DPP planned to go to the countryside to preach "the expansion of power will occur after the reform of the Legislative Yuan."The Kuomintang in the wild responded that it will start the reform of the Legislative Yuan from Tainan City in mid -June.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan United Daily News and Zhongshi News Network, the Taipili Academy has passed through the four -day and four -night voting war to allow the reform plan to pass three readings.After the failure of the covenant, the DPP's Legislative Council Party was requested to interpret the constitution.Lin Youchang, Secretary -General of the DPP, also previewed that the DPP Central Committee will also launch the reform bill of lectures on the lectures of the Lord.

The Kuomintang will take counter -control operations for the Green Camp to preach the reform of the Legislative Council.Xu Yuzhen, chairman of the Kuomintang Subjects Association, said that the Kuomintang expects at least one large -scale symposium in 22 counties and cities in Taiwan in mid -June.The content of the reform bill, and how to use the investigation of hearing rights to investigate the relevant disadvantages, the first symposium was selected in Tainan City.

Li Yanxiu, chairman of the Kuomintang Cultural Association, said that in the face of the Democratic Progressive Party's malicious distortions of the Legislative Court and continuously provoking social opposition, the Kuomintang knows that rumors will never be comparable to the speed of rumoring.Reform the content of the website, plan a common lesson plan, and shoot the film to explain the necessity of reform of the Legislative Yuan.Information.