The end of the January election in Taiwan has not been at the end of the January election, and the political parties are busy with the layout of the election campaign.

Whether it is media reports, political programs, and expert comments, it points to the election layout of the scenes and behind the stage.It involves the competition of party elections, local heads, and central regimes. The specific scope includes the DPP's re -election of the China Executive Committee, the Central Jury and the Standing Committee of the Central Standing Committee at the end of July, the re -election of the party chairman of the Kuomintang next year, and the "nine nine and a half years later"Local election, and the president and legislators election four years later.

As soon as a election campaign ended, it was dazzling to prepare the next battle.From the perspective of outsiders of the bureau, the election atmosphere of Taiwan's endless year reflects the mentality of the winner of the winner who is "happy overnight", and the competitive dynamics of "raising soldiers for thousands of days and use in one dynasty".

The discussion gradually warmed the 2028 presidential election layout.Blue, green and white have been selected, the Democratic Progressive Party (green) chairman and current President Lai Qingde will definitely be in charge. Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the people's party (white), must also choose to choose.She made a statement, but in 2026, she had two mayor Ren Man, of course, the next options include the big position.

There are almost no suspense compared to the candidates representing the President of Green and White. The Kuomintang may be candidates listed in the workshop, including party chairman Zhu Lilun, Xinbei Mayor Hou Youyi and Legislative President Han Yu.

According to Lianhe Morning Post, Zhu Lilun must be re -elected in October next year, so as to dominate local elections and presidential candidate nominations.Comprehensive news and comments, once the re -election is successful, Zhu Lilun, who has just reached the age of 63, has the political energy of leading the local election and 2024 legislative election record in 2022. It is likely to become a presidential candidate and reverse the shadow of failure in 2016.

Among the politicians on the countertop of the Blue Camp, Zhu Lilun operated cross -strait relations with Taiwan and the United States for a long time, and also supported the "1992 Consensus", which is his advantage.However, the first three months of the 2016 election "changed the column storm", which impacted his political energy and was also his flaw.

Recently, Hou Youyi intends to run for the party chairman next year. After mastering party machines, he dominates local elections, and then challenges the 2028 presidential election.Hou Youyi was open to the attitude when answering recently. It only emphasized that "the most important job in front of me is to do a good job in the construction of New Taipei City, and it will also combine the party members and counties and cities.Speaking of death and denying the possibility of running the party leader.

South Korean Yu's chance of running again cannot be ruled out.He has set off an amazing "Korean Wave". Although the presidential failure in 2020 was fired, after the Legislative Yuan this year, he once again became one of the most powerful politicians in the Blue Camp.If you play again, it will be the focus of politics in the next four years.

As the largest party of the Legislative Yuan, of course, Blue Camp will not give up seeking party rotation.The potential presidential candidates are the most, and some people are negatively interpreted to compete for power and resources, and "internal fighting and inside"; some people have positively interpreted to defend the Republic of China and ensure the peace of the two sides of the strait. Therefore, they must re -control the regime in order to make substantial changes.

Blue camp princes have their own teams and followers to take care of, some people persuade them, and accumulate negotiating chips.But in the end, the blue camp will inevitably coordinate the strongest candidate. After all, only unity and division of labor can increase their chances.

The next thing to notice is the trend of young supporters of the party chairman Ke Wenzhe and the nickname "Xiaocao".As the third forces that occupy a two -two - % party vote, as long as voters continue to dissatisfied with blue and green, white power has room for survival.In the future, the ruling party is likely to not be soft to the people's party to fight for a large number of young votes to the people's party.

The most critical character is still the current President Lai Qingde.After his inauguration, he faced The fierce literary attacks of Chinese mainland , Internal and Exconsisted Starts , it gave Lan Bai's opportunity and imagination of" extended matches "in 2028.However, after all, he has mastered the resources and steering wheels that determine cross -strait policies, diplomacy and the economic direction of the internal affairs, as long as you make good use of resources and accumulate public opinion support, the chance of successful re -election will increase.

The changes in Sino -US relations, Taiwan -US relations, and cross -strait relations will greatly affect Taiwan's public opinion and regime.In the fierce competition, China and the United States also sought the risk of the sea of ​​control. Blue and green and white must prove that they have the most trusted in the United States and reduce the risk of cross -strait.No matter who's route is suspected by the United States and causes the turbulence of the Taiwan Strait, a large number of votes will definitely be lost.

The development of Sino -US relations can be controlled by non -Taiwan, but cross -strait relations and Taiwan -US relations are their own. It is the key to the party's parties that must operate and show political strength.

Taiwanese voters care most about maintaining the existing lifestyle, and do not have war threats. I hope that "the mainland should not care about me, and I hope that the ruling party will not irritate the mainland."No matter who leads Taiwan, it must be two -pronged. On the one hand, it is solid to establish national defense, energy and social toughness, and on the other hand, to show the flexible wrist of handling cross -strait exchanges.

The mainland's determination to unify Taiwan is beyond doubt, and the psychology of Taiwan's fear and rejection is also obvious.At present, the new government in Taiwan has repeatedly emphasized that the mainland is foreign. It is necessary to fight the autocracy with democracy. Can the risks not improve?

I believe that Taiwan's leaders are closely evaluating and controlling the risks of cross -strait regions, and the impact of external factors on the layout of the election campaign.As a society that emphasizes democracy and diversification and supervision and checks and balances, whether the ruling party must consolidate the regime, or to fight for the rotation of the party in the wild party, they must strive to pursue the safety of the people and Taiwan.