U.S. President Biden talked again about martial arts.In an interview with Times Magazine recently, he said that if Beijing unilaterally changes the status quo, the United States "will not" defend Taiwan and does not rule out the use of U.S. forces.

These words have caused reports of various parties, and most of them are claiming that Bayeng claims that he does not rule out the use of the U.S. military.The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs subsequently expressed "sincere welcome and thanks" to Biden.On the other side of the Strait, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China also urged "the essence and ambition of the United States to recognize the" Taiwan independence 'division forces "and stop sending any error signals to the" Taiwan independence "split forces in any way.

From the text, the response of a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland is only in a table, and the fire is not fresh.Because of the original text, although Biden reiterated another "force to protect the platform", he talked a detours and turned around, and the position of Baotai had retracted.In this regard, observers on both sides of the strait can see very clearly, and Taiwan's officials are also known, but they are unknown.

At this point, Biden has publicly promised the United States to protect the Taiwan forces five times.The first time was accepted US ABC TV interview Biden also mixed Taiwan and the United States Treaty allies South Korea, Japan, and NATO, causing an uproar.

The second time is October 2021, and the occasion is the city hall of CNN.Then, in May 2022, during the visit to Japan, a reporter asked at a press conference and asked: "You are unwilling to intervene in the Ukraine conflict military in military, then you are willing to be in Military Defense Taiwan ?" Biden answered: Yes.

For the launch of the U.S. military to defend Taiwan, the most clear one was in September 2022. American CBS "60 minutes" TV show Under the premise that Taiwan has suffered "unprecedented attacks", will the U.S. forces and the U.S. military defend Taiwan?Biden also answered "Yes".

After each of the above -mentioned speech, the White House officials had to "fire" for him to reiterate the Taiwan policy in the United States and the defense of Taiwan's "strategic fuzzy" policy.This makes people not only doubt whether Biden is old, but also deliberately test the bottom line of Beijing?

而今,在时代本周刊出的专访与实录中,拜登谨守“战略模糊”,虽然表明若北京单方面改变现状,美国“不会不防卫台湾”,但是否会派地面部队,他It means "depending on the situation", and it is specifically stated that it is not ruled out that the use of military power is different from sending land, sea and air forces.Biden also declined to answer whether it would launch an offensive from the US military bases in Japan or the Philippines.

In the final analysis, Biden only reiterated that the United States' consistent policies, and even some hinted that the U.S. military would not end.After all, there are many so -called defense methods to defense, providing weapons, assistance to warning, and sharing information, that is, to assist Taiwan's self -defense.The United States was not ready to play directly with the PLA when the two sides of the Taiwan Strait started.

In fact, you don't have to look at what Biden said, as long as you look at what the U.S. military does, the answer is clear.From the military exercise of the mainland PLA triggered two years ago, the Mainland PLA's military exercise caused by the visit to Taiwan, to the recent military exercise of the mainland's Taiwan Taiwan, the US military has retreated from the first island chain after the Lai Qingde 520 was in office, showing an involuntary attitude.Looking at the battlefield of Ukraine, the Americans obviously have no intention of taking blood for the battlefield for others.

In fact, according to the times, Biden turned the topic to China when the assistant wanted to end the interview.This reflects that the American media and the general public do not care about Chinese issues, and resonate with up to cross -strait subjects, and then care about the Chinese economy slightly."China" is more about the topic of political elite articles and political offense and defense.

In an exclusive interview, Biden talked more about US diplomacy, democratic values ​​and alliance systems, as well as the situation in the Middle East.He said in an exclusive interview that the role of the United States today in the world has surpassed the World War II and the Cold War.He "did".

The interview with the

Times has been in -depth, outlines the world view and international diplomatic concept of Bynden at the age of 81.More than 50 years ago, Senator Biden, a 30 -year -old, listened to the time when the US Secretary of State Kissinger reported to the US secretly withdraw from Vietnam.Biden is a "experience in history". On Thursday (June 6), he will go to France to participate in the 80th anniversary of the landing of Normandy. In the largest -scale grabbing landing battle in that human history, including 73,000, including 73,000The blood of more than 150,000 allies, including the U.S. military, fought the blood of the soldiers, accelerated the defeat of Nazi Germany and liberated Europe.Biden was the last president who was born when he landed in Normandy in American history.

Bayon is also doing the work of unity allies after taking office.According to reports, he personally persuaded Finland and Sweden to join NATO, and he even called President President President President President President Maguz.The purpose of strengthening the alliance is to deal with Russia and China.From the perspective of China, it is called the gang gang and the chain of broken chains to create world division.

Combining these, imagine that if the US leaders faintly imagine China as a Soviet or Nazi Germany, it is quite wrong and terrible.In the interview, Biden's negative perception of China was undoubted. He claimed that "the Chinese economy is on the edge of collapse", out of line, aging population, and the Belt and Road Initiative is "annoying grave initiative."

These are both Biden's campaign language and his ideological background.However, in the years of his main administration, the world has not been too peaceful, but two wars have occurred. It not only dispels the energy of the United States, but also allows China to get gasp.After the US election in November, regardless of whether the White House is easy to master and brings the steering of US foreign policies, the strong confrontation between China and the West will not be eliminated for a while.

The world can't go back, we all go further and further on the road full of unknown and risks.Now I can only be glad that Biden is at least avoiding the stimulation of the mainland and allowing Taiwan to restore Taiwan. Therefore, the two sides of the strait will not fight.