Gu Lixiong, the new Defense Director of Taiwan, said that there is no problem in Taiwan without the problem of the first blow, which will only exercise self -defense.As long as the mainland Chinese army attacks Taiwan's aircraft facilities, or attacks the outlying islands and enter Taiwan 12 nautical miles (22.22 kilometers) of sea airspace, the Taiwan army can exercise self -defense rights to counterattack.

Comprehensive Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud and Sanli News reported that the Taiwan Legislative Council's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission invited Gu Lixiong to report business overview and inquire.Attend the Legislative Council Foreign and National Defense Commission.

In response to the definition of the Kuomintang legislators Huang Ren and the definition of "first strike" and self -defense rights, Gu Lixiong said that the self -definition right of the United Nations Charter stipulates that when the armed attack or threatA proportion of self -defense power.

Gu Lixiong pointed out that the definition of the Taiwan army's exercise of self -defense is that when the mainland army attacked Taiwan's aircraft facilities in the aircraft ship, or to attack Taiwan outside the islands, and any flight entity entered Taiwan without permission to enter Taiwan12 nautical miles of sea airspace can be ordered to order the Taiwan army to exercise self -defense and carry out self -defense counterattack according to the proportion.

Gu Lixiong also emphasized when responding to the Kuomintang legislator Ma Wenjun: "We have no first hit, only the exercise of self -defense rights."

Asked the Kuomintang legislators Wang Hongwei, mainland China recently recently recently recently. RecentlyCarrying out the military exercise of the "Union Sword-20124A" encirclement. When did the Taiwan military know the news, the military evaluates whether the subsequent "B, C, D" military exercise will appear within this year.Explain when the military knows the military exercise, but it will predict the signs of signs.The Taiwan Army can master the dynamics of the mainland army, and does not rule out that the mainland troops will carry out more military exercises in the future.

Qiu Guozheng, a former defense director of Taiwan, said in March this year that the Taiwan army has changed the definition of the "first hit". In the past, it refers to shooting and firing.In one blow, Taiwan has the right to make countermeasures.

"First Hit" is usually the starting point of the war, especially the first shot of wiping guns and getting angry when the two armies confront.In order to avoid the upgrading of the situation to war, Taiwan has always strictly stipulated the first shot, the first shot or the first bomb.Since the Taiwan Strait missile crisis in 1996, whenever there is doubts about war, it will increase the fire responsibility to the Minister of Defense to decide.