The Taiwan Executive Yuan suddenly included the third -reading approved law renovation law on Thursday (June 6), and the DPP failed to grasp the majority of the Legislative Yuan's advantages, and the reciprocity may be difficult to pass.The Democratic Progressive Party called on the Kuomintang legislators to "return to return to return", which was "only six seats."

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and ETTODAY News Cloud reported that the DPP Legislative Yuan party generally called on Ke Jianming to hold a press conference on Thursday that the Executive Yuan is a constitutional government, the Legislative Yuan is also a constitutional government.The Act of the Act of Constitutional Eprofaceless will reconside the discussion, and the reconnaissance will be explained in succession. The attitude of maintaining constitutional government must be displayed.

He emphasized that after the presidential announcement, the DPP must be explained in constitution.

Ke Jianming said that the Kuomintang now has a wave of escape, because the people promote the dismissal of the dismissal, and everyone is in danger.

Wu Siyao, the director of the Democratic Progressive Party, also said: "Although we only have 51 seats, we have infinite stealth seats.

She called on all citizen friends to play its influence and put greater pressure on the Kuomintang and the people's party legislators through public opinion. This is the power they are afraid.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan will be sent to the Executive Yuan of the "Legislative Yuan's Power Exercise Law" and "Chapter 5 of the Criminal Law of the Republic of China" passed on Wednesday.EssenceZhuo Rongtai, the president of Taiwan, immediately instructed the government committee member Lin Mingxin to invite scholars and experts as soon as possible to review and discuss the provisions in detail, and discuss whether relief was proposed in accordance with the constitutional procedure.

The Constitutional Repair Article stipulates that the provisions will be requested to the Legislative Yuan for reconsideration within 10 days. The Legislative Yuan shall make a resolution within 15 days of the reconnaissance.For example, after the resolution of more than one -half of the legislators to maintain the original case, the president of the administrative dean should accept the resolution.

This means that as long as the blue and white legislators join forces, the reconsideration will not pass, and the bill can be maintained.

The draft amendments to the law of the law of the Legislative Yuan passed by the third reading, and if the person inquired, if there is a "contempt of parliament", such as anti -inquiries, or refusing to answer, providing information, etc.In the same below, S $ 834) Penalties of less than 200,000 yuan; exercising the right to investigate, the Legislative Yuan also requested the government or social personnel to provide information to refuse, delay or conceal, and the resolution of the Legislative Yuan may be up to 100,000 yuan.Penalty.

The bill also requires the president to go to the Legislative Yuan to conduct a national conditions report. When conducting verbal questions for legislators, the president should answer in order in order.